Subject: Gates Linked To FDA - Pfi-zer Vax Approved

Paul Craig Roberts - "A darker agenda?"

August 23 2021

Bedfellows - Gates and FDA

Crooked Pfizer

Vaccine Approved

Employers should mandate - Biden

A Darker Agenda

Pres. Trump re Afghanistan

Taliban sets a Red Line

Russia - New Doomsday Plane

Multi-pronged warfare

The above image indicates that Gates and the FDA were collaborating in 2017. How that arrangement works today may be open to question.

But the FDA approval, today, of the Pfizer vaccine certainly raises even more questions.

Pfizer certainly does not have a squeaky clean background.

As you'll see in the following images, they spent millions of dollars bribing corrupt individuals in other countries.

Surprisingly, no mention of them possibly doing exactly that in the USA.

(What do you mean, "surprisingly?")

Dr Paul Craig Roberts

"a darker agenda?"

Full article, well worth reading, at this link:-

As For The Jab

I'm now reading that it is the vaccine itself which is helping the virus mutate into other strains - sort of like shape-shifting or transforming itself in order to go on living.

AND YET - while admitting that these vaccines do NOT provide long-lasting immunity, knowing that vaccinated people are still getting infected, and that there have been multiple deaths and thousands of adverse reactions, these Deep State people are insisting that people should have a "booster shot" with the SAME vaccine.

A darker agenda indeed.

Taliban Set A Red Line

President Trump Re Afghanistan

I really hope the following two are not connected.

The article does say this replacement is years away from completion.

However, several issues ago I did mention that China is really flexing its muscles by openly saying if it invades Taiwan, don't expect America to come to Taiwan's aid.

And China (the Dragon) and Russia (the Bear) - like North Korea's Kim Jong Un - have little or no respect for America at this point in time.

Whether or not this means things will get "hot" to the extreme remains to be seen - but with psychopaths in power in different nations, it would be no surprise to see one or more of them do something really really stupid.

If Biden got out of Afghanistan bass-akward, abandoning bases and pulling the military out first, leaving billions of dollars worth of high tech military equipment behind, it's logical to assume that both Russia and China will get their hands on the best of it as well.

And despite what press secretary Psaki might say, Biden abandoned many thousands of Americans in Afghanistan. Will they all make it home?

Multi-Faceted War

Let us remember too that we are in a multi-faceted war - a cyber war (China stole the election to get Biden in); an underground war (underground cities populated by the elite are secretly being demolished); a bioweapon war (which is what this pandemic is all about - de-pop-ulation); and an information war.

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