Subject: Banished by P-atre-on

P-atre-on Banism-ent

I received this from P-at-re-on today...basically, just like An-tifa, they burned down my business.


My name is Geoffrey and I’m on the Trust & Safety team here at Patreon. I’m writing to inform you that your page has been removed for violating our Community Guidelines.

Following our policy update today concerning QAnon accounts, Patreon can no longer support accounts that engage in spreading QAnon-supporting disinformation. Because your content falls within this realm, we can no longer allow your project on Patreon.

I'd also like to clarify that because you are funding your content through Patreon, our guidelines extend to content that might be elsewhere online. This means that although you might not share the same piece of content on the Patreon site directly, our guidelines apply equally to off-platform activity.

My team takes the removal of pages very seriously, and we only commit to this action after a thorough review process. If you would like to appeal this removal, please send over anything that you believe is relevant and my team and I will review your response. If you ever decide to fund a different project that falls within our Community Guidelines in the future, please contact prior to launching.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I will do my best to address them for you.

All the best,
Patreon Trust and Safety

So much for Pa-treon AI BS. I say "AI" because many others have also received the same notice from these Feep State people -= and it is a different first name as sender on every one of them.

I must, right now, thank the very few of you who opted to become a patron based on the link associated with my recent videos on Rumble and Bitchute.

Hopefully they have now cancelled your input info and you will not be charged.

The point, if you need to have this hammered very loudly, is that we ARE in an information war, with the Luciferian (Deep State) and its acolytes determined to stop people learning the TRUTH.

As a warrior in this lifetime of the pen, rather than the sword, bayonet, rifle and close combat, I am NOT surprised that the enemy has done what it has done.

Yes, it has literally "burned down my business" -= just as Antifa and BLM have done to bricks and mortar operations - and my income from book sales and a very few patrons has dropped to zero.

But, like the Black Knight in that Monty Python skit, you do NOT give up, even when you have lost all your arms and legs:-)


SO...I have now made my latest book, "17"anon and the Dark Agenda" (17 being the 17th letter in the {Q]alphabet) available for free as a Kindle edition for the next five days. From Oct 23 to 27, PDT. The link is

It is a 60,000 word book exposing the Illuminati Agenda. The paperback sells for $16.95 on my website at

But if you have a Kindle reader, you are now free to download it over the next five days.

I personally hope you will share that information far and wide, so hundreds if not thousands of people get a "payback" moment, and above all, some honest background information that explains exactly WHY the world and America in particular are in in such turmoil. It was ALL planned, long ago, and those plans are revealed in detail in that book.... which AM-azon has unilaterally cancelled advertising for.

A-ma-zon is also in the process of blocking sales of "17"anon and the Great Awakening....which for the moment you may still be able to find on Am-azon at

It too is available as a paperback on my website at

As a counterattack, I have made this very important book available for free as a Kindle for the next five days. You are also free (an d you SHOULD) to pass the link on to as many others as you can via your personal email contacts, and whatever social media you are involved in.

Or you can just brush it off as a ":so what who cares" moment ... which means you're okay with others fighting for truth .. or you're okay with the Deep State destroying the United States, and you along with it, because if they prevail, all your cherished freedoms will just go up in smoke. ...

I really want you to understand that as a 75-yeart-old independent thinker and sometimes off-the-rails human being, I have a genuine love for people as a whole. I will survive this "burning down" - just as any bird survives any day because the Life Force provides all its needs - BUT if YOU and I do NOT stand up and share this information, these truths about the Dark Agenda and so on and so on..,.what the hell was our life worth anyway? What the hell did we do to leave behind a better world?

Now, since you just decided to get with the program, here are some choices.

Get it for yourself if you have a Kindle - or if you don't, advise everyone you know on your email list or social media. that this special book is now available as a free download from Oct 23 to 27.

"Qanon and the Dark Agenda - The Illuminati Protocols Exposed".

Qanon and the great awakening (you'd better check this one, because that's the one A-ma-zon is now trying to block).

President Trump And The New World Order

Amazon has cancelled all advertising for all books, but they are for some reason still available on their sites...go figure.


Or, while stocks last, you can buy paperbacks of all of them at my website - US sales only because overseas postage is prohibitive. http[s://

You want a better future for the people you love?

Then, Do It.

And By The way (BTW) I really do sincerely love humanity, which includes you, but from a distance.

So...Just Do It.

Michael Knight.

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