Subject: Assange Followup - Fresh Insights

Very Interesting Feedback

June 27, 2024.

Followup To The Assange Saga

Yesterday's newsletter about the release of Julian Assange, the background to that saga, and his return to Australia, prompted some "thank you"comments - and an email containing the text of someone using the pseudonym "QTheStormRider."

That then is the substance of this followup, strictly for your consideration because it does add additional points that we might not have been aware of.


I have also chosen to insert it ahead of this resend of yesterday's newsletter to ensure that "StormRider's" input can be seen in context.


I'd also like to add that if you think some of these newsletters might be of interest to others, they would be best read by using the "View Online" link at the top right.

Then,if you do decide to pass it on, you simply copy and paste that link into an email, send that to those you choose -and let them decide whether or not they'll open it at all. Some will, some won't - but their choice is their decision, not ours.

We just do our part by offering them the information.


Note - I have switched to a an upgraded website hosting plan. My website and blog should be functioning properly again in a couple of days.

To Michael:-

You might not get this, but this was in today's Telegram QTSR (Q the Storm Rider) column and is all about Assange.....Linda 


Copied and pasted, with no alterations, as received. MK.


CABLES >]: The FAKE BODY DOUBLE of Julian Assange was killed in London Jail in 2020 and another body Double was placed in< 



The REAL CABLES>]; WIRES of Military operations had Julian Assange in protective custody ( remember Pompeo CIA director said he wanted to kill Assange and News stories broke that the U.S. Government plotted to kill Assange _trended<).. Because the CIA did go after him and did kill the body double in 2020 . Then another was placed by white hats ( they were trolling the CIA/ deep state). 

     The REAL story is TRUMP's ( w/world Associates) paid for Assanges defense .. (Trump did personally wire funds also... All this WILL come out in due time with paper trail)

      Assange was placed in protective custody this whole time. 

*Remember two months ago i told you KEEP YOUR EYES ON ASSANGE > i said this because i got CABLES>] that white hats were going to make a move and free him 

( the reason for this is white hats in Military intelligence got the ASSANGE KILLSWITCH 

_ .*> The hundreds(/thousand) of terabytes of data connected to Hillary Clinton, pizzagate, pedophile rings connected to Epstein and ELITES> P. DIDDY> HOLLYWOOD //// ALL THE DATA TERABYTES were hidden in the Internet through certain unopened email accounts and locked chambers in the deep web,> including real software and servers of WikiLeaks that was hidden in secure banks/////

_NOW White Hats/military have FULL control of servers, software. And the Assange Internet KILLSWITCH programs<

and finished all the investigation and sealed indictments connected to ALL THE INFORMATION WIKI LEAKS HAD STORED IN KILLSWITCH OPERATIONS////


There is Major panic at the Pentagon and the CIA ,  deep state military intelligent and Washington DC ELITES as The real ASSANGE makes a Real reappearance ....

They know there is no use to kill him now because the military have all the data and servers and KILLSWITCH KEYS///

There is true panic in DC > corrupt 3 letter agencies and deep state military leaders as the KILLSWITCH HOLDS KEYS TO THE REAL EVENTS OF 911 documents and emails and phone calls connecting Bush. chaney. Clinton. CIA. DARLPA to 911 EVENTS<


_> a big part of bringing down Assange by the deep state was the cover up adrenochrome connected to clintons human trafficking John podesta pedophilia rings> Epstein>>>> Hollywood.. P Diddy and top ELITES and music executives 


Now there is PANIC as the Rockefellers/ the Carnegie endowment ( CIA operators) + Elites are in desperate panic to create new laws to stop WHISTLEBLOWERS and Any accusations against the CIA and Pentagon for corruption connected to human trafficking, conspiracy and slanderous accusations ( right now the Democrats are preparing a Bill to stop Whistleblowers or EXPOSURE of podesta/ Clintons connection to pedophile rings and trafficking torture rituals> adrenochrome...

( Remember i told you months ago this was so going to come back.. And Trump also said he wanted to expose Anthony Weiner this all connected to ASSANGE AND MILITARY OPERATIONS...... This why there is complete panic inside Hollywood and top of music industry)



... But at the same time U.S. military have been hosting Mexican nationals for emergency training in Colorado mountains. Large underground bunkers near Cheyenne mountains. 

     The reason white hats are secretly training thousands of Mexican nationals for war and battle is because they are being sent back to Mexico in underground.Maglev Trains //// There is panic in parts of the Patriot communities that CHEYENNE mountain has been taken over by cartels and Mexicans < this far from the TRUTH////

The REAL TRUTH is white hats are training tens of thousands of Mexicans for a revolution to over throw the Mexican government controlled by the CIA operations for over a half a century .


The Assange Saga

A Report by Michael Knight.

First Published June 26, 2024

The fact that Assange has been freed, coupled with records and images I have garnered over many years, raises many questions.

In the beginning, as they say in the Bible, Assange became notorius for his creation of Wikileaks, an Internet site through which he exposed the wrongdoings and bad doings of the United States government and its military.

Because my website is currently out of commission, I cannot include all the associated incriminating videos in this newsletter. But I'll do my best with what I have available.

However, like any discussion we might have about past events, it will be a bit disjointed, while also offering much to ponder as the future unfolds.

Here is something he told Sean Hannity in 2017.

Wikileaks also revealed some of the email correspondence involving Hillary Clinton.


Today (June 26, 2024) I found the New York Times has published a timeline of events. Here are some excerpts, in italics, with my comments in bold.


2006 - WikiLeaks takes root.

Julian Assange, an Australian computer specialist, founds WikiLeaks with a mission of using the internet to help whistle-blowers bring hidden information to light.

2009 - An Army intelligence analyst becomes a key contributor.

A U.S. Army intelligence analyst now known as Chelsea Manning downloads large batches of documents from a classified computer network and begins uploading them to WikiLeaks.

They include a video of a U.S. helicopter strike in Baghdad in which a Reuters photographer was killed, incident logs from the Afghanistan and Iraq warsmore than 250,000 diplomatic cables from American embassies around the world and hundreds of dossiers compiling intelligence allegations against Guantánamo detainees.


Both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars were started by the US and allies such as the UK under false pretences and lies. The Afghanistan debacle was preceded by claims that Osama bin Laden orchestrated the destruction of the New York Twin Towers. This was a lie.

The Iraq war began with claims that Saddam Hussein had "weapons of mass destruction." That too was a lie.  

Like the rest of the Mainstream Media, the NYT sold those lies to the public - and continues to do so about the current proxy war against Russia.The US is sending billions to Ukraine, along with missiles - and permission for them to be used against civilians in both Russia and Crimea. 2010

2010 -WikiLeaks begins publishing the material.

The Justice Department opens an investigation into WikiLeaks, and the Obama administration debates internally whether it can charge Mr. Assange with a crime without setting a precedent that would damage press freedom. Sweden issues an arrest warrant for Mr. Assange in connection to a sexual assault investigation. Credit cards and banks start refusing to process donations to WikiLeaks.


It was because of press freedom that Wikileaks was able to publish that material in the first place - although I suspected back then that Assange would have been wise enough to establish a "kill switch." A kill switch is something you have hidden up your sleeve - and I'm not referring to suicide bombers! In this case, it could have been a digital file of additional information that could bring down a government (or the Deep State) if you happened to be killed yourself.

Character assassination is frequently used - rather than the real thing - and that's what the sexual assault investigation in Sweden was all about. They wanted Assange arrested, tried, and then deported to the United States.

Assange saw it coming and somehow made alternative plans.


2012 Mr. Assange seeks asylum from Ecuador.

Mr. Assange, in Britain, loses his appeal of the Swedish warrant and violates bail, going into the Ecuadorean embassy in London. Ecuador grants him asylum based on his claim of political persecution and fear that he could be sent to the United States. He will spend the next seven years holed up in the embassy.


And then things got worse - Ecuador removed its protection. Assange was arrested, and once again was in danger of being extradited, this time directly to America, where he could face the rest of his life in jail.

But who was that bearded man?

Some say he was a double.

I'm inclined to say that certainly was Assange, being arrested and transferred to Britain's high-security Belmarsh prison.

Given special permission, it was there that he married the mother of their two children, Stella Morris.

They had met when she was working for the Wikileaks legal team during his years at the Ecuadorian Embassy.

By 2019, the mysterious Q had built quite a worldwide audience of people who became known as "Qanons."

Everyone, especially Q, was basically anonymous - which really bothered the heck out of the establishment and the lamestream media.

Like the ever-growing worldwide support for Assange, support and awareness of Q, Q+ (who is believed to be President Trump himself) and the Qanon phenomenon was spreading worldwide.

Though the mainstream media never asked "who is Q?" it had become a threat to the criminals running the Deep State - criminals like Hillary Clinton who more than once had people killed by MS13 gang members - before she too was arrested, tried by a military tribunal, and hung at Guantanamo. (RRN Areticle).

At the same time, there were demonstrations involving many thousands of people supporting Julian Assange happening everywhere.

Many were legitimately concerned that Assange would be killed off - assassinated - murdered - to shut him down and protect the Evil Empire.

You might say the Darth Vader of the time, though in a slightly different but very Satanic uniform, was this guy.

And then, in answer to a question about whether Assange was safe, this appeared on one of the Q drops.

'187' comes initially from the California Penal Code. It is now accepted universally as the code referring to murder, or homicide - which Q was indicating was a concern related to Assange's safety; hence,"Under protection. Threat real. 187."

And the next three images appeared at about the same time.

I don't know what the arrow was about, but perhaps it was pointing to a harbor and a US Navy vessel? Assange had a backpack with him, as if he was maybe waiting for someone, or going somewhere.

And that was followed by this.

I have worked under red lights in darkrooms way back in the days of black and white negative film, and this one got me to wondering whether they use such light on US Navy vessels, including submarines? 

I have no idea about that, and there was no way to find any corroboration. So I left it alone.

After all,even the alternative media has its trolls and misinformation specialists, therefore I opted for my personal "if in doubt, leave out" mantra.

The better one is,"if in doubt, find out." But there was no way to do that.

So I just carried on, occasionally snagging images and creating newsletters and videos to report at least some of what others were speculating on - especially as it became known that the Deep State was using doubles and clones to replace individuals who might have been arrested behind the scenes, never to be seen again in person.

It has also been said that the White Hats switched the real Assange for a double in Belmarsh prison. The first one was murdered - allegedly on orders from Mike Pompeo, one-time CIA Director,and Secretary of State under Trump.

A second double was then found to serve time in Belmarsh - so how that gels with Assange and Stella Morris getting married there is just another mystery.

And by the way, the White Hats are also claimed to have a double of President Trump.

This is no laughing matter. Doubles and even food tasters have been employed by many in the public eye for centuries. That's why it has been said that President Jiohn Kennedy did not die in the Dallas assassination. His double did though - and now there are images appearing on alternative media like these two - dates unknown.

The play arrow is inactive. But the text header suggests that he survived the assassination, and passed away on August 2, 2020.

One area of speculation, especially in images, has been to suggest that Assange is in some way related to (or even reincarnated in) the Trump family.

I didn't do this myself, but that's Donald Trump's uncle John, top left.

We know he worked for the military, knew Tesla in Tesla's lifetime, and possibly even perfected Tesla's discovery of time travel using what is now known as Looking Glass technology.

I made a video about their involvement for my Rumble channel.

 It's VERY interesting.

But what does that have to do with Assange?

Well, perhaps Donald Trump used that technology - or at least the White Hats might have - and they were able, years ago, to foresee the events that are playing out right now - and introduce their own master plan in order to bring down the Deep State and all its swamp dwellers.

This would have included knowing how Assange would use Wikileaks to expose the rot at the highest levels of US government - and what they would need to do to protect him.

It would give them many insights into how to drain the swamp.

So Assange, assuming we are now seeing the real Assange, has been able to find $500,000 to charter a plane to take him home to Australia.

He and his supporters made a stopover in the small US territory of Saipan, where he entered his guilty plea, was sentenced to five years in jail, which was waived because he had already done five in Britain.

As an aside, one might ask how was it that a US judge could use Assange's incarceration in a UK prison to rule that under US law he had served his time? The answer must be that the US and UK reached such an agreement, perhaps influenced by being aware that Wikileaks had (and still has) a killswitch measured in terrabytes of incriminating data about the Satanic pedophile child killers who until now have ruled the world.

From that stop in Saipan in the Mariana Islands, it was then on to Australia.

That then, is the end of one story - but there is little doubt that it is just the beginning of the next chapter, because there is always more to the story.

However, it's time to close this out, with a few excerpts from relevant posts on X/Twitter (with links where possible for you to follow for more, if you so choose).

Last, and not the least of these mysteries that seem to all play a part in this great storm... although I do not know when the Q reference was posted, or if the image has been added in by the poster.

The man on the left is JFK Jr, who learned about an attempt to assassinate him, so he faked his and his wife's deaths by crashing a remote controlled plane off of Martha's Vineyard.

On the right is Princess Diana. She escaped the Satanic/Reptilian royal family by having her death faked in a tunnel "accident" in Paris.

Apparently witness protection programs do exist, perhaps as entire modern communities on remote islands, operated by really good people - those who have spent decades preparing for this final battle between Good and Evil.

However, it's not over yet.

In fact, things could even appear to get worse before they get better.

But if you believe that Trump is one to keep his promises, then, to use his own words,

"The Best Is Yet To Come."



Michael Knight.

Best wishes.

Michael Knight.

Donations are always truly gratefully accepted.

They keep this work going by covering overheads. ...such as the need to upgrade my web site plan in order to get the site and blog functioning properly again.

I made a short video to explain why I chose to start requesting donations (only from those who can afford even a small monthly contribution) which can be seen at FundRazr

Checks, if that's your preference, can be mailed to the following personal address.

Michael Knight

116 Swofford Rd


WA 98564

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