Dear Registered Believer,

Every year, members of the Nation of Islam and our friends and supporters give an expression of love to The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as a show of gratitude and personal appreciation for his many years of dedicated service to the uplift of our community.

Currently your Saviours' Day Gift tally is on zero. In the European Region, we are encouraging all registered members to make a significant donation towards this.

This upcoming year, 2021, marks his 66th year of service. Please join us in making this contribution to The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan that will help him continue his great work. Please click on the link below to make your donation:

Feel free to select from the donation levels listed or contribute an amount that is comfortable for you. Thank you in advance for your support and may Allah (God) continue to bless you.

Kind Regards,
Student Minister Abdul-Hakeem Muhammad
European Regional Representative of the Honourable
Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam

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