Subject: Tomorrow!! Saturday 15th July 223!!

The Ministry of Health & Human Services Presents:

The Science of Well-being

Keys To Improving Family Health

Are you looking for solution-orientated and cost effective ways to improve your physical, mental and financial health?

Join us on Saturday 15th July 2023 to learn about a variety of topics including:

How to prevent/improve illnesses (e.g. high blood pressure & type 2 diabetes)

The value of eating one meal a day.

How to prevent/alleviate muscular problems.

Methods to improve your finances

Advantages and realistic tips for growing your own food even without a garden

And much more!

The following are also available on the day:

- FREE Health Check

- Mini Workout (wear comfortable clothing)

- Light refreshments

- FREE activities for children

Tickets: £2.99

Under 16s FREE


We look forward to seeing you there!

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