Subject: Abdul Hakeem Muhammad - "Why We Need To Declare An Immediate War On Poverty" - Part 2

Why We Need To Declare An Immediate War On Poverty- Part 2

By Abdul Hakeem Muhammad
The European Regional Representative Of The

Sunday 9th December 2018

12 noon - 2 pm
(Doors open at 11.30 am)
Venue: 1-5 Hinton Road, Brixton, London SE24 0HJ
Have questions about the words and works of the
Honourable Minister Louis Farrakhan?

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Every Sunday

Time: 12 noon - 2 pm (Doors open at 11.30 am)
Venue: 1-5 Hinton Road, Brixton, London SE24 0HJ

Free Entry!
The Nation Of Islam European Region
1-5 Hinton Road, Brixton, London SE24 0HJ
Telephone: (+44) 020 7501 9800

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