Subject: ACE! - The Arts & Culture Expo!!! Saturday 20th April 2019

The Community Ministry of Arts and Culture Presents:

ACE – The Arts and Culture Expo

Let’s ascend together

Saturday 20th April 2019

4 pm – 7.30 pm

Venue: Hinton House, Hinton Road, Brixton, London SE24 0HJ

Registration £5 for adults

Free for under 18s

You are invited to an edifying arts and culture expo with interactive workshops and an exemplary showcasing of talent! Aimed at young people and the whole family. Unity is our theme!

With workshops and sessions based around Theatre, Dance, Film and Music Production.

Workshop facilitators and contributors include:

Tony Cealy: Tony Cealy is an arts practitioner & agitator and creative producer. Come and participate in an energetic workshop where health, well-being and social change are addressed through artistic and thought-provoking scenarios.

Amirah Gumbs: Dance instructor, Amirah Gumbs, is trained in 8 different styles of dance and will deliver a commercial fusion workshop of ‘moves’ for the family.

Jide: is founder of the Black Cinema Club – well versed and passionate about film and telling the story of black people in relation to it. Come along and taste a film production workshop with a historical narrative.

With lyrical sessions provided by rapper, AnyWay Tha God and singer, Autumn.

Contact: Email: / Mobile: 07494 253537

The Community Ministry of Arts and Culture
Hinton House, 1-5 Hinton Road, Brixton, London SE24 0HJ
Telephone: (+44) 020 7501 9800

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