Subject: NNBA News ~ Nurse Entrepreneur Day? ~ Conference Info

NNBA News ~ Nurse Entrepreneur Day? ~ Conference Info

May 1st, 2022 at 2:10 am PDT

President's CornerMay 1, 2022Dear Nurses, Thank you! We recognize and celebrate you during Nurse’s Week, and throughout the year! Nurses are working in a wide range of specialties and settings and in increasing numbers as nurse entrepreneurs. May 6 ...

NNBA News ~ Level up Presentations ~ Personality Traits of Self-Millionaires ~ Consumer Behavioral Trends

April 15th, 2022 at 2:05 am PDT

President's CornerApril 15, 2022Dear Nurses, 2022 marks the 37th year that the National Nurses in Business Association has been in business. From its beginning, the NNBA was founded as a nurse-directed organization dedicated to the advancement and pr ...

NNBA News ~ The Great Resignation ~ Entrepreneur Conference ~ Welcome New Members

April 1st, 2022 at 2:05 am PDT

President's CornerApril 1, 2022Dear Nurses, Attracting and retaining great talent is the number one issue keeping leaders of some of the world's largest organizations awake at night. This is according to a recent article in Inc. magazine on the ‘Gr ...

Nurses Business News ~ Moving Faster Down the Road to Wealth

March 15th, 2022 at 2:04 am PDT

President's CornerMarch 15, 2022Dear Nurses, We just changed our clocks, and we do this a couple times a year. How about you? Have you changed with the times? I hear a resounding YES! Valuable lessons have been gained from the pandemic and nurses are ...

Nurse's Options in Entrepreneurship ~ NNBA2022 Registration is Open!

March 1st, 2022 at 2:03 am PDT

President's CornerMarch 1, 2022Dear Nurses, We are so excited to announce Registration is Now Open for NNBA’s Nurse Entrepreneurship Career Alternatives Conference. NNBA’s signature conference always has nurses sharing about the valuable, busines ...

NNBA News ~ Solopreneur or Entrepreneur ~ Mentor Match~ Podcasting Tips

February 15th, 2022 at 2:03 am PDT

President's CornerFebruary 15, 2022Dear Nurses, What is your business idea? Are you: changing something, making something better, inventing something new, solving an existing problem or partnering in a new venture? There are a multitude of ways nurse ...

NNBA News ~ Increasing Business Profitability ~ Welcome New Members!

February 1st, 2022 at 2:05 am PDT

President's CornerFebruary 1, 2022Dear Nurses, Your nursing business could generate good revenue but sales alone aren’t an indication of business success. Profitability is key to the health of your business. Said another way, it’s not so much abo ...

NNBA News ~ Glimpse to Healthcare’s Future ~ Entrepreneur Lessons

January 15th, 2022 at 2:06 am PDT

President's CornerJanuary 15, 2022Dear Nurses, The first week of January saw the CES Consumer’s Electronic Show here in Las Vegas. For over 50 years, CES has set the global stage for innovation. There is always big news in healthcare innovation. We ...

NNBA News Happy New Year! ~ Members in the News!

January 1st, 2022 at 2:02 am PDT

President's CornerJanuary 1, 2022Dear Nurses, Happy New Year and welcome to our first newsletter of 2022! During the past twenty-two months we have seen nurses rise to the challenges and changes in healthcare delivery with courage, resilience, and op ...

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