Subject: Passive Income Ideas ~ PowerPoint Tips ~ NNBA2018 Conference News!

Passive Income Ideas ~ PowerPoint Tips ~ NNBA2018 Conference News!

July 15th, 2018 at 2:04 am PDT

President's CornerJuly 15, 2018Dear Nurses, Have you wondered how you could start your own business? How to create and take products to the marketplace? How social media, speaking, writing, and blogging can boost your business? How to find and moneti ...

NNBA Conference News! ~ Graphic Design Secrets ~ Best Email Guidelines ~ Help Naming Your Business

June 30th, 2018 at 2:03 am PDT

President's CornerJuly 1, 2018Dear Nurses, Where nurses work has significantly changed over the past twenty-five years. Previously, 68% of nurses worked in a hospital setting. Today, that number is slightly above 50%.That means over 1.5 million nurse ...

Conference News ~ Marketing Takeaways ~ Facebook Promotions ~ Summer Cocktails!

June 15th, 2018 at 2:05 am PDT

President's CornerJune 15, 2018Dear Nurses, Renee Thompson, DNP, RN, CMSRN, has received the prestigious CSP® designation from the National Speaker’s Association. Renee is one of only twenty-six nurses in the world to have this designation. The N ...

Nurse Entrepreneurs ~ 41 Business and Marketing Tools ~ NNBA Conference Keynote

June 1st, 2018 at 2:19 am PDT

President's CornerJune 1, 2018Dear Nurses, Meet LeAnn Thieman at the NNBA Nurse Entrepreneurship Career Alternatives Conference. She is a renowned motivational speaker and New York Times Best Selling Author of the Chicken Soup for the Nurses Soul Se ...

Personal Invitation from Michelle Podlesni, President of the NNBA

May 19th, 2018 at 2:00 am PDT

Dear Nurses, I am so excited during this time of year when I get to personally invite you to our annual conference, and share information on the program that we have created with you in mind! Over and over, nurses tell me that this conference was one ...

Nurse Entrepreneurs ~ 3 Proven Ways to Increase Confidence ~ Marketing Tips ~ Tell Your Story

May 15th, 2018 at 2:00 am PDT

President's CornerMay 15, 2018Dear Nurses, Do you take time to celebrate the milestones in your career and personal life? Having recently celebrated nurse’s week, I hope each of you took time to recognize and celebrate all that you have accomplishe ...

Nurse Entrepreneurs ~ How to Respond to Pricing Questions ~ Home-Based Business Stats ~ Balancing Habits and Dreams ~ Best Savings Now for NNBA2018!

May 1st, 2018 at 2:16 am PDT

President's CornerMay 1, 2018Dear Nurses, Freedom, flexibility and financial control are the reasons I most often hear from nurses interested in starting their own business. Entrepreneurship empowers nurses who desire to provide a wide variety of ne ...

Nurse Entrepreneurs and Finance ~ Visualize to Materialize ~ Register Now for Best Savings NNBA2018!

April 14th, 2018 at 1:00 am PDT

President's CornerApril 15, 2018Dear Nurses, Ever wonder how much it would cost to start-up your business? I have exciting news, we have added an additional benefit for NNBA members. Under the Business Planning and Development Tools, you’ll see th ...

Effective Social Media ~ Early Bird Savings ~ Getting the Game of Entrepreneurship Right

March 31st, 2018 at 1:15 am PDT

President's CornerMarch 31, 2018Dear Nurses, Spring is here! The sun is in the sky a bit longer each day and the earth is bursting with foliage and blooms of what was lying dormant during the winter. What about you? Do you feel that next level adven ...

Registration OPEN for NNBA 2018! ~ How to Write an Ebook ~ 4 Steps to Charisma

March 15th, 2018 at 1:00 am PDT

President's CornerMarch 15, 2018Dear Nurses, Registration is OPEN and nurses are registering! Explore the agenda at to see the description of the conference, speakers, topics, and all the hotel information! ...

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