Subject: Sunday's Keynote Address ~Nurse Innovator Opportunity~ NNBA News

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President's Corner

Keynote Speaker Sunday, October 4th
"Nuts About Being a Nurse Entrepreneur-or Just Plain Nuts?" Get ready for professional nurse humorist and recording artist Deb Gauldin, RN for a comical look at how therapeutic humor and laughter can enhance and enable you to survive nurse entrepreneurship. Deb connects with audiences instantly, delivering a message of profound importance with unforgettable hilarity. Her programs leave participants feeling valued, renewed, and recommitted personally and professionally. Can’t wait to introduce Deb to Nurses in Business!

Games and Prizes!
Are you going to be NNBA’s Grand Prize Winner?  Last year Heather Taylor won prizes in excess of several hundred dollars. What business owner couldn’t use additional money to help take their business to the next level? We have plenty of fun and games planne
d because this is Vegas, and we are celebrating 30 Years of Nurses in Business!

Career Opportunity
Check out the Career Opportunity Section below all you creative nurses for an opportunity to create or market you products. We had a wonderful conversation with EM Innovations last week and we feel they are truly interested in what nurses, being the front line of patient care, have to offer. It seems each week that we am receiving more phone calls and emails regarding nurse opportunities, and as NNBA subscribers you get the news first.

Regardless of how the economy is faring, I am a big believer in multiple streams of income. For the past several years I've owned a few different businesses to hedge my bet because; I don’t want to have all my eggs in one basket. Hal Alrod writes a great article on this below and outlines the steps

As soon as the hotel venue is finalized, we will be sending you information on the October conference.

Unconventionally yours,


Want to network with nurses, leaders and mentors?  Our membership ranges 
from novices to experts in business. Join us at!
Lighten Up...
Articles of Interest

Steps to Create Multiple Streams of Income | Entrepreneur Magazine 

At age 25, I began planning my exit strategy to leave a lucrative career in sales to become an entrepreneur and pursue my passion: empowering people to maximize their potential and make significant improvements to their results.

While still in my sales position, I started my first business -- and my first additional stream of income -- serving as a life and business success coach. In the past nine years, using the exact formula below, I’ve been able to add nine additional streams of income. These have involved authoring books, speaking, private and group coaching and staging live events.  Read More

Instant Clarity On Your Work Priorities | Forbes

Let’s start by making one point clear: If everything seems like a priority, there are no priorities.

Priorities require focus and being able to make judgment calls. If you’re finding yourself drawn and quartered between projects and managers, it’s for one of two reasons: You’re not 100% sure of what your responsibilities are, or your company doesn’t know where it’s going. (If you find that it’s both of these, start looking for a new job ASAP.)

Otherwise, there are three questions you can ask to start getting clarity while also showing your potential as a leader.

1. What Are the Company’s Goals?

Every company should know what problem it is looking to solve, its reason for being. It doesn’t need to be anything lofty like eradicating world hunger, but it should be specific and known to everyone who works there. Your team’s leadership should have a plan for how to fulfill this mission over time (perhaps by quarter or by year), and that should be the context for the work you do.
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    What Your Voice Says About Your Sales Skill | Inc. 

    You've heard of the "dead fish" handshake and you likely avoid giving (and getting!) it like the plague, but what's in a voice? When it comes to finding the right recruit for your sales team, it's everything. A candidate's voice is like his calling card--it gives you crucial insight into his personality, his professionalism, and his ability to work well with others. What you hear in his voice is the same thing your customers will hear. Keep these voices in the back of your head when you next interview and avoid picking the wrong hire.

    Mousy Mary
    You know exactly who I mean. She's got that weak, tentative sounding voice, the one that you want to either be impatient with or run away from fast. Just a few words from Mousy Mary and you imagine the worst--she lacks authority, has no gumption, and comes across like she is perpetually unsure. Most of her phrases end on an upward note causing her statements to sound like questions. The way her voice wavers gives away both how uncomfortable she is with herself and the fact that she has difficulty interacting with others. Put her on sales calls and she will get hung up on, put her in an important negotiation and she'll get walked on.  Read More

    31 Nutrition Tips for 31 Days | Growing Bolder

    March is National Nutrition Month and while we all strive to eat well and stay healthy year-round, it seems like a good time for a few reminders and reinforcements. After all, study after study says nutrition is one of the keys to a long, happy and healthy life at any age, but particularly in our 40s, 50s and beyond.

    We thought it would be fun to put together 31 nutrition tips* for 31 days in March. If you like them, share them!

    1. Don’t forget breakfast.
    Most nutritionists recommend three meals a day plus a few healthy snacks and breakfast is your first chance to make wise choices! Try to get lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables into the meal (oatmeal with low-fat milk, almonds and berries is a good option).

    2. Stay home!
    When you cook, you’re in control, so you can look out for what goes into your meals. And remember, you can modify almost every recipe to reduce the salt, use fresh instead of canned vegetables and serve up smaller portions.

    3. Focus on freshness.
    Many foods in their original form, including fruits, vegetables, fresh meats, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, milk, yogurt and grains like rice are naturally low in sodium, so it’s a good idea to get more of these foods.   
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    Career Opportunity | Innovative Nurses

    EM Innovations provides creative answers with simple products and is interested in learning about opportunities from those that are working the front lines of patient care. Our goal is to introduce practical, low tech products that support the initiatives of healthcare professionals. Our experience with you ideas and experience could be a winning combination! To learn more about EMI Innovations please visit and to discuss your ideas and potential opportunities please contact Spencer Fullerton.
    Living your best life...
    NNBA Members Spotlight
    Lori Brown
    RN, MN, JD

    Lorie Brown, has maintained her life-long love of the nursing profession. For twelve years she worked in nursing including medical surgical nursing, management and administration. Lorie believes, “Once a nurse, always a nurse,” so she maintains her license, and is a camp nurse every summer.

    However, frustrating limitations caused by antiquated rules, nursing culture, and unit status quo caused Lorie to shift her focus to law. So for the last 23 years, she’s been representing nurses and other health professionals as a Nurse Attorney and is currently the President of Brown Law Office, a national law firm for nurses.

    In 2012, Lorie founded Empowered Nurses – an organization designed to show nurses how to be change agents to improve patient care. Lorie subsequently wrote her book, “Law And Order For Nurses: The Easy Way to Protect your License and Your Livelihood”, teaching nurses to protect their licenses and do their jobs with confidence. Her latest project is a book she edited and co-authored, “From Frustrated to Fulfilled: The Empowered Nurses’ System” where she shares how to use your GIFTS™ as the foundation for creating a nursing environment you love. Learn more about Lorie at YourNurseAttorney and
    A New Book by Nurses for Nurses
    “From Frustrated to Fulfilled: The Empowered Nurses’ System”

    This book chronicles the journey of 11 nurses who found a way to rise above frustrating problems in nursing to create a meaningful and fulfilling career for themselves. They share the tools that worked for them so you can add them to your toolbox.

    Order your own copy today or request a FREE sample chapter at:
    Save the Dates!
    October 2 - 4, 2015
    NNBA News – Volume 15 Number 3.5
    Michelle Podlesni, RN - Editorial Director –
    Lou Podlesni - Digital Editions Director –
    Hilda Johnson - Advertising –
    Hart Healthcare Solutions, LLC, PO Box 272, Winchester, TN 37398, United States of America
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