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Dear Nurses,
Great News! Our November keynote speaker will be Donna Cardillo, RN, CSP, the Inspiration Nurse. She'll be presenting: The Science of Passion-Creating a Formula for Success! We are so excited to have Donna kicking off the conference this year. She is sure to ignite, incite, and delight the crowd! Don't miss it.
Another thing not to miss is projecting the right image with a professional headshot. These sessions can cost hundreds of dollars. Think about how often we use photos today (LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogs, Books, etc.) Laura Chapin Photography Headshot Portraits $40 Special. Hours will be flexible and portrait times will be scheduled on-site between 8AM and 1PM November 17-19,2017 https://nnbanow.com/nnba-conference-2017/
In the articles of interest below, I was recently published in the AANLCP Summer Peer - Reviewed Excellence in Life Care Planning Journal My article on marketing strategies to grow your business is below. 7 Important Hacks for Effective Social Media also gives good information on getting leads! Lou and I owned a senior care company for several years and I routinely went out into the community teaching about caregiving. It all became too real when both of our mothers were diagnosed with dementia disorders within months of each other in 2007. We became one of the statistics of the Sandwich Generation; having a small child on one side and parents requiring help on the other. Someday I will write that story, but for now, I am sharing the beautifully written article, Guilt, the Caregivers Nemesis. I wish I had the opportunity to read back when. I hope it helps someone that finds themselves traveling the caregiver’s journey.
Discover the many new nursing choices that provide hope and enthusiasm for your future! Nurses have said the NNBA Conference was the best and most information packed conference that they have ever attended! Career Investment: $349/ Members $449/ Nonmembers plus, check out the business tip below to see tax deduction benefit! Take advantage of this year’s pricing; next year’s will increase. Join the fun and Register here
See you in November on St. Pete’s Beach! |
| Unconventionally yours,
Michelle |
| | Nurse Business Insider Tip by Michelle Podlesni |
| Where Nurses in Business will share an insider tip that may benefit other nurses in different stages of business development. |
| Finance: Are you receiving the tax deductible benefits on business deductions such as the expenses including registration fee, travel, lodging and meals for the NNBA’s Annual Conference? All nurses, especially self-employed business owners, have a tax deductible advantages for education. Consult your tax adviser and read more about tax deductible information here: https://www.efile.com/tax-deduction/employee-expense-deduction/employee-expenses/ and https://www.1040.com/tax-guide/taxes-and-your-job/work-related-education/
| | Expand your network, build meaningful relationships and find innovative ideas for your entrepreneurial venture. Attend our annual educational conference on Nurse Entrepreneurship & Career Alternatives and discover the unlimited choices in nursing! |
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Gain and Retain Customers:Marketing Strategy
AANLCP Journal – Michelle Podlesni
7 Important Hacks for Effective Social Media
Guilt, the Caregiver’s Nemesis
The Nurse Life Care Planner (NLCP) is an expert in case/care management. From identifying needs and resources to strategizing and implementing effective plans of care, the NLCP aims at ensuring the best possible outcome for each unique patient situation. And while the desire to help others may be the driving force behind the work, Life Care Planning is not an effortless endeavor. To be effective, NLCPs need a solid understanding of injuries and illness, the implications of treatment and interventions, the cost of care, availability of resources, and how to leverage these and other factors for the best results
In recent years, social media marketing has quickly become one of the most powerful strategies to attract traffic, engage audiences, and drive sales. According to Social Media Examiner, 92% of marketers say they have increased exposure through social media, and 80% see positive results for traffic. That said, an effective social media marketing strategy needs to have some key elements if you really want to scale and make the most of it. Here are seven important hacks to keep in mind.
Do you recall the children’s movie that was a big hit a couple of years ago that had the theme song with the line, “Let it go, let it go.”? Yes, the one EVERYONE was singing and that you could not get out of your head for the rest of the day after hearing it. It is now, most likely, running through you mind at this brief suggestion. Good. Hold that thought. You see, I have been thinking about guilt. I often feel guilty. It is one of my greatest talents. I have often commented that if only someone would pay me for feeling guilty and for needless worrying, I would be a bazillionaire.
| | | | | | | | | About the NNBAThe National Nurses in Business Association, the forerunner of the nurse entrepreneurship movement, provides education, support, empowerment and opportunities for nurses in business since 1985. Thousands of nurses over the past 30 years have benefited from membership in the NNBA and launched successful businesses. The NNBA is the #1 Nurse Business Owner Network and serves as The Voice of Nurse Entrepreneurship™. Learn about joining the NNBA by clicking here.
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| | | NNBA News - Volume 17; Number 10.0 |