Subject: NNBA Nurse Entrepreneur News ~ Special Announcement ~ The Best Salespeople and How to Learn From Them ~ 7 Leadership Principles for Managing

President's Corner
May 15, 2020
Dear Nurses,

Some Good News is a 2020 web series created and hosted by actor, John Krasinski. The show is "a good news show dedicated entirely to good news," with Krasinski operating inside his home during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you haven't viewed one of these episodes on You Tube, I highly recommend you check them out. The episodes are uplifting, humorous, and they highlight the best in all of us. Being a nurse, I am biased to appreciate Mr. Krasinski using his celebrity power for good, especially in his recognition of nurses, doctors, and healthcare professionals. 

The National Nurses in Business Association has the privilege to work with the most accomplished, talented, and innovative nurses when we coordinate our annual educational  conference on nurse entrepreneurship. NNBA’s conference reputation of being the best, is directly attributed to our richly resourced membership and to our commitment to deliver massive-value  content. So, it is with great pleasure that I make a Special Announcement: NNBA 2020 Going Virtual! Read more about it in our first article of interest below.

Next, Why Children are the Best Salespeople and How You Can Learn from Them is funny, and as real as it gets! You will see exactly why we should be paying attention to young minds, and what it can do for our sales efforts. And in the last article, 7 Leadership Principles for Managing in Time of Coronavirus, the Harvard Business Review succinctly identifies and defines the principles that help us to guide our businesses.

Be sure to check out the ads below for special opportunities and information from Nurse Builders. (Included in the ad is a coupon code for additional  savings for NNBA members) Other ads below include RN Patient Advocates and Bridge Health Advocates. From expansive opportunities with CEs, to patient and health advocacy programs, these nurse businesses help you find success and fulfillment in your careers.

We are within days of  NNBA's new website being launched. To our NNBA members, be on the lookout for an email that will address the changes, enhancements, and brand new additions, With announcing the virtual annual conference, and the new website, it is an exciting time for the NNBA as we celebrate 35 years in business!

UNconventionally yours,

© Michelle Podlesni 2020 All Rights Reserved. This newsletter may not be 
reproduced in any form, whole or in part without the author’s permission.
Are you a member of the NNBA Nurses in Business Community? If you want to create additional streams of income, have increased marketability and a competitive advantage in the business of healthcare you can click here to JOIN:
Articles of Interest
Special Announcement – NNBA 2020 Going Virtual!

Why Children Are the Best Salespeople and How You Can Learn From Them

7 Leadership Principles for Managing in Time of Coronavirus

Harvard Business Review
Special Announcement: As previously shared with our community, the NNBA has been monitoring the situation with Las Vegas hotels. In consideration of all the factors related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, particularly in regards to our annual educational conference, we have made decision to move NNBA 2020 to a Virtual Conference.

This is a first for us and we’re excited to bring you an online experience with keynotes, breakouts sessions, workshops, and community building. NNBA will host the Nurse Entrepreneurship & Career Alternatives, Virtual Conference on September 25- 27, 2020. We look forward to having you join us for our signature event, and will be reaching out with complete details and the updated program.

As we move NNBA 2020 annual educational conference to a virtual format, we look forward to offering you the same compelling programming, business insider knowledge and opportunities to reflect and connect over the current and emerging nurse owned businesses. The virtual conference will be a mixed format agenda with plenty of offerings and opportunities for engagement, and space to connect with, speakers, educators, and like-minded nurses.
A mom is shopping with her three-year-old, who happens to find the PERFECT rainbow stuffed fish they can’t live without.

“Mom! Can I get this?”

“Not today, sweetie. Let’s put it back.”

“I’ve been good all week, and you told me if I’m good all week, I can get a prize.”

“It’s Tuesday.”

“Can I just keep it while we’re in the store?”


Never once does the child give up on getting the toy. They just switch tactics. Kids make excellent sales teachers because they show you that selling is the foundation of relationships. Every relationship you have is about getting the other person to buy into something, share something, give something, or experience something with you. When you start to see how often you naturally sell, sales become easier because you stop fighting your sales instincts.

I want to share with you my 7 Cs for coronavirus survival if you’re a manager or a leader. This message is also available on video.

1) Calm. Your folks, your employees, your customers, your suppliers, are going to be looking to you as a leader to project a sense of calm through this difficult, uncertain situation.

2) Confidence. You have to be calm, but not still-water calm. You have to project confidence that you’re going to be able to see this through successfully, with a minimum amount of hurt to the company, but also to all of the stakeholders who are relying on your leadership to get them through the difficult days and months ahead.

3) Communication. You have to relentlessly communicate, communicate, communicate. This is to avoid rumors developing that muddy the waters. But when I’m talking about communication, I’m also talking about a strategy for communication. You need a sense of order in which to communicate decisions and priorities, but also have rapid communication to the entire body of constituents—not delays over hours or days or, even worse, weeks.
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NNBA News - Volume 20; Number 5.5
Michelle DeLizio Podlesni - Editorial Director -
Lou Podlesni - Digital Editions Director -
Hart Healthcare Solutions, LLC, PO Box 272, Winchester, TN 37398, United States of America
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