Subject: NNBA Newsletter ~ Top 5 Neuroscience Discoveries ~ Opportunities

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Presidents Corner                     December 15, 2015

How can it be that we are already publishing the last newsletter for 2015? I know I am not the only one wishing for more time in a day. Many of our members have exciting new developments in the works for 2016. The excitement from NNBA’s 2015 Conference has inspired many of you to add new offerings, create new partnerships and start new ventures. I can’t wait for the #NNBA2016 slide show that will highlight much of this new energy! So, make sure to save the dates for NNBA’s signature Nurse Entrepreneurship & Career Alternatives event scheduled for October 14 – 16th, 2016 in Las Vegas.

The Call for Speakers went out and can be found at this link Please submit a proposal if you are interested in speaking or conducting a preconference and I encourage you to pass this link along.

Jazmyn Duncan, President of UNLV Student Nurses Association attended our conference this past October. She sent me a beautiful card with how appreciative she was to learn all about the National Nurses in Business Association. She wrote an article that was published in the University Of Nevada School Of Nursing Newsletter that appears below titled, “A Nursing Student’s Conference Experience”. I know you will like it. The NNBA supports and encourages future nurses by showing them how vast the options are in nursing which includes nurse entrepreneurship!

Top 5 Neuroscience Discoveries for 2014 (data for 2015 isn’t finished yet), helps us be better leaders with suggestions on how to think calm under pressure, think more clearly, give better presentations, and be a better boss. We are wired to grow, improve and get better. We all do better when we feel better; so having healthy self-confidence is vital to the success of your business. There is a great article below on habits that we can build that will boost our confidence which in turn makes us happier.

Health & Happiness is what I wish for all of you this Holiday Season!

If you enjoy receiving our Newsletters and you're not currently a member of the NNBA, please consider joining as a member. We'd love you to be part of our community!
Articles of Interest
6 Habits That Will Boost Your Confidence And Make You Happier!

Addicted 2 Success
Did you know that confidence isn’t something you’re born with? Astounding – I know!

In our every day life, we’re exposed to so many stories and images of successful, confident people, that it’s easy to assume they naturally started out like that. And, that they’re confident all the time.

Take Sheryl Sandberg, for example. Being the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, you could easily think she’s never grappled with insecurity or self-doubt. But she revealed in her book, Lean In, that she has at times felt like an imposter.
A Nursing Student’s Conference Experience

UNLV, School of Nursing
It was through a series of events that the University of Nevada Las Vegas student Nurses Association was invited to the 2015 National Nurses in Business Association conference. When I received the email inquiry I had to do some research about what exactly I was signed up to attend. 
What is NNBA? What is this conference going to be about? Is it worth my time? I went to N NBA's website, and discovered its history. Founded in 1985, NNBA's mission is “encouraging nurse entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs to develop, grow and manage their own businesses, developing opportunities locally and nationally for nurses in business and serving networking and educational needs of our members”. 
Top 5 Neuroscience Discoveries of 2014

Inc. Magazine
In 2014, neuroscience leapt out of the research laboratories and became an integral part of how we think (literally) about business. Here are the discoveries and insights that have changed the workplace over the past year:

1. How to Remain Calm Under Pressure

Your brain uses words to interpret events. Therefore, the words that you attach to emotions determine how you experience those emotions.
If you use intense words (hate, stress, dread, etc.) describe how you feel in challenging situations, you intensify the fight/flight response, which is ineffective in business.
NNBA Members Spotlight
Candy Campbell, DNP, MSN-HCSM, RN-CNL
Candy Campbell & Company

An Oregon native, Candace Campbell came to the nursing profession through a circuitous route. After earning a BA in Speech Communications/Theatre, and working as a flight attendant and PR rep for Pan American World Airways, she experienced a career epiphany one day en route to Karachi, Pakistan from New Delhi, India, and felt "called" to become a nurse.

Her nursing career began in Psychiatry, working with many Vietnam Vets at the VA Hospital in Southern California. That experience led to research within the medical community about PTSD, and the moral distress of medical personnel working in a war zone. The result later became a film script and a novel called Walking Point.

Candy began her clinical practice in neonatalogy in 1989. She received her Neonatal Certificate and specialty training at Loma Linda University Medical Center, where she gained experience working with neonatal heart transplant cases. She has also worked as an RN in Labor and Delivery, ER, ICU, CCU.

Currently, Ms. Campbell's clinical practice has taken a backseat while pursuing her other creative interests, including teaching, writing, and speaking. Award-winning actor and filmmaker, author, and educator, Candy Campbell has been featured on the air and in print in over 1000 media outlets worldwide.

To learn more about Candy, go to
Lighten Up...
Living Your Best Life...
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To our nurse members and subscribers, thank you for taking part in delivering the message that nurses make great business owners, leaders and mentors! Please share this newsletter with nurses that you know and care about.

NNBA News – Volume 15 Number 12.5
Michelle Podlesni, RN - Editorial Director –
Lou Podlesni - Digital Editions Director –
Gina Palmer - Contributing Editor –
Hilda Johnson - Advertising –
Hart Healthcare Solutions, LLC, PO Box 272, Winchester, TN 37398, United States of America
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