Subject: NNBA Newsletter ~ Call For Speakers

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Presidents Corner                     December 1, 2015

Time for us to send out the Call for Speakers for NNBA’s signature annual conference this October 14-16th, 2016. Our conference is dedicated to advancing and promoting Nurse Entrepreneurship & Emerging Career Alternatives for Nurses. Last year’s evaluations and comments validated we achieved our goal of delivering massive value for our audience. Let’s get ready to do that again this year! Click on submit a speaker proposal if you're interested.  Also, please share this link in your circles of influence. We have a some remarkable professional speakers and educators in our membership and I encourage you to pass this along.

And speaking of passing things along, Donna Cardillo brought Heart a Nurse to my radar screen and I reached out. I found the information on Kathleen Suta, BScN and her husband Brian very exciting for nurses and entrepreneurship. With the Holidays coming you definitely need to go and check out the necklace with a heart and stethoscope! And this is just the beginning for this oncology nurse and her husband. A percentage of the proceeds will go towards endeavors that help nurses deliver healthcare. NNBA is excited to have Kathleen as a new member and you can look for them this October at our conference.  
Love seeing #NNBA2016 examples of entrepreneurship!  If you're on Twitter, help spread the news by copying and pasting this tweetable.  For more information click this link:

Sometimes we are so busy running our businesses that we forget to check out new trends, so I've included an article of interest below on web design trends for 2015. Speaking of web design, graphic designer Bobbie Fox has done work for the NNBA this past year that has been very valuable in helping us get our message out. Bobbie is incredibly efficient and very easy to work with. See her ad below and give her a call if you are in need of stellar graphic design!

I met many amazing nurses at the National Hartford Center for Gerontological Nursing Excellence Academic Leadership Conference. I spoke, sharing information on nurse entrepreneurship’s role in today’s healthcare environment. Over 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 each day and will continue to until 2030! There is so much potential for products and services from the tremendous research being done in the field of Geriatric Nursing. We have NNBA members that have wonderful businesses that are supportive of the geriatric population and I had the chance to highlight many of our members during my presentations. Dr. Taylor Harden is in the member’s spotlight below. She has received multiple honors and awards, has vast knowledge in Gerontology and has contributed greatly in influencing the quality of care for our aging population.

I left the clinical setting after several years of delivering bedside care that was mainly in the critical care setting. I transitioned into the business world where I was able to rapidly advance, finding that the business environment suited my entrepreneurial mindset. Elizabeth Scala’s blog on advanced education and certification is well balanced and each of the links provides further insight if you are questioning which road to take with your nursing career. 
Looking forward,

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Articles of Interest
Understanding the Profit & Loss Statement

Running a business is like a money game. To win, you must have profits at the end of any cycle. To win long-term, you need to accumulate profits on an ongoing basis. Your moves are summarized on your Profit and Loss statement (commonly referred to as your P&L statement). The score, the results of your moves, are recorded on the Balance Sheet. Each time you act on a decision, you impact your finances.

Some people call the P&L statement an Operating Statement, or the Income Statement. Income/Outgo statement might be more descriptive because the P&L shows you where your money is going day by day.
Return to School? Get Certified? How to Shift Your Nursing Career

Elizabeth Scala
Many times I get asked about returning to school for further nursing education or securing a nurse specialty certification. Before I share a few resources and tips with you, I even have a real-life story of this exact topic that happened just this past fall.

In late September, I was giving a keynote speech at an annual state nursing convention. I was at the part of my talk where I was describing how, as adults, we often lose direction. From role models who pass on good intentions to memories and experiences we endure growing up, sometimes by the time we reach adulthood, it’s hard to know what it is WE want versus what we feel others think is best for us.
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14 Hot Web Design Trends From 2015

Entrepreneur Magazine
The loudest content medium out there has finally learned how to be quiet. In 2015, web design moved away from information overload to an aesthetic revolving around empty space and simplicity. Taking a cue from magazines, web pages are using large high-definition photographs and typography to lure in readers with eye-pleasing openers before revealing further content. 

This design is influenced by a new appeal to simplicity and by the need to cater to mobile web traffic, which is increasing every year. In the face of this push to cut away excess, here are 14 design trends that have reared their heads so far in 2015.
NNBA Members Spotlight
J. Taylor Harden, Phd., RN, FAAN
Executive Director
National Hartford Centers of Gerontological Nursing Excellence
Washington, DC

J Taylor Harden, PhD, RN, FGSA, FAAN, is a social and behavioral nurse scientist with expertise in aging. Dr. Harden was appointed Director, National Hartford Centers of Gerontological Nursing Excellence at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA), July 2012. Prior to this, she was affiliated with the Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity Initiative at the American Academy of Nursing and the National Institute on Aging (NIA). At the NIA she served as both Assistant to the Director for Special Populations, February 1997 – December 2011, and Acting Deputy Director, January – October, 2008. Prior to joining the NIA in 1994, she was a tenured associate professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio where she taught in both graduate and undergraduate programs.

Dr. Harden has wide-ranging research and administrative expertise in aging research with emphases in research administration, clinical interventions, risk and resilience in older women, minority health/health disparities, recruitment and retention of older adults, and mentoring and career development of early career scientists.

Dr. Harden has received many honors including the Washington University Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center 7th Seay Lecturer, New York University College of Nursing Helen Manzer Award, GSA Outstanding Mentorship Award Task Force on Minority Issues, the NIH Director’s Award, three times, for her work on the NIA Health Disparities Strategic Plan, trans-NIH health disparities planning, and for outstanding mentorship of new and early career scientists. She has given numerous invited talks and training workshops for new investigators and emerging leaders in aging research.

She is a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, Gerontological Society of America, and the New York Academy of Medicine. Dr. Harden earned her B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Maryland at Baltimore, and her Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in nursing.
You can learn more about the National Hartford Centers for Gerontological Nursing Excellence by clicking this link:

Lighten Up...
Living Your Best Life...
Nurses Proudly Wearing and Sharing the Heart and Stethoscope Necklaces!
NNBA Members receive $50 savings!  Enter coupon code NNBA2016.
To our nurse members and subscribers, thank you for taking part in delivering the message that nurses make great business owners, leaders and mentors! Please share this newsletter with nurses that you know and care about.

NNBA News – Volume 15 Number 12.0
Michelle Podlesni, RN - Editorial Director –
Lou Podlesni - Digital Editions Director –
Gina Palmer - Contributing Editor –
Hilda Johnson - Advertising –
Hart Healthcare Solutions, LLC, PO Box 272, Winchester, TN 37398, United States of America
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