Subject: NNBA News ~ Reframe Thinking ~ Startup Hacks ~ Last Chance!

President's Corner
August 1, 2023
Dear Nurses,

Whether you are new to business or have been in business for years, you have to know your audience, speak to them directly to solve their problems, or provide what it is they want. When teaching nurses about marketing, I share how important it is to speak in the language of your audience to be able to enter the conversation they are having in their head. To do that, you really need to know your audience. Aspiring nurse entrepreneurs and nurse business owners will benefit from our first article of interest below The Complete Guide to Audience Segmentation and Targeting.

Most startups don’t have big funding. That’s why hard work coupled with savvy customer engagement strategies can build your business marketing traction. Learn more and get resources in 6 Growth Hacks for Startups.

I have marveled how the career choice of nursing has given me unexpected opportunities and provided the life of my dreams. Your nursing education and experience can serve as a foundation for you achieving success beyond what you dream possible. There are unlimited opportunities and career alternatives available for nurses! Is it time for you to Reframe Your Thinking About Your Nursing Career in the last article of interest below.

We wanted to deliver this newsletter early, so you would have this last chance to make it to #NNBA2023. Registration closes by the end of day Sunday, July 30th! By attending the Nurse Entrepreneurship & Career Alternatives Conference you will see how your experience as a nurse translates into high-demand business opportunities. Nurses have options! It is a full agenda with presentations and interactive sessions. You will have plenty of opportunities with your colleagues to share innovative ideas and strategies, have discussions, explore potential collaborations, and simply enjoy the company of so many creative and like-minded nurses.

Throughout the conference a truly unique group of companies and organizations will be exhibiting the latest in services and devices along with educational programs and alternative career options. This will be your chance to closely examine a wide variety of products and services. #NNBA2023 Sponsors and Exhibitors are listed below the articles of interest.

We are nurses, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and mentors helping nurses succeed in business; join us in Las Vegas!

Unconventionally yours,

© Michelle Podlesni 2023 All Rights Reserved. This newsletter may not be 
reproduced in any form, whole or in part without the author’s permission.
Are you a member of the NNBA Nurses in Business Community? If you want to create additional streams of income, have increased marketability and a competitive advantage in the business of healthcare you can click here to JOIN:
Articles of Interest
The Complete Guide to Audience Segmentation and Targeting

Marketing Insider Group
How well do you know your audience? The answer matters because accurate audience segmentation is critical to a successful marketing strategy.

However, proper segmentation rarely gets the time and attention it requires. A survey of 1,600 marketers found that a shocking 65% never or rarely conduct audience research.

Those marketers are missing out. The same study showed that those who do research their audience are over 3x more likely to achieve their marketing goals.

Don’t get left in the dust by your competitors. Learn here how to master audience research, segmentation, and targeting.
6 Growth Hacks for Startups

As many of my readers know, I usually write about strategy, innovation, and leadership. But recently I've been asked a lot about how I helped establish as a destination website for hundreds of best practice digital tools and templates using growth hacking strategies. That's because it's incredibly hard to cut through the noise and establish a new brand, website presence, and business model in today's increasingly cluttered competitive world.

So, here's what we did to build a brand and drive tens of thousands of visitors to our website each month, all without any significant marketing investment. Anyone who's focused, methodical, and willing take the time can do it.
Reframe Your Thinking About Your Nursing Career

Michelle Podlesni NNBA Blog
It was a treat when I went to my daughter’s final basketball game yesterday; it was being played at a school where twelve years prior, I was the school nurse. Being a school nurse was some of the most enjoyable times spent in my nursing career and it was completely unexpected. Right after resigning my role as president and exiting the corporate the corporate world, a dear friend told me about this K-8 school that needed a nurse for several months. Would I be willing to help them out? I marveled how once again my career choice of being a nurse allowed me an opportunity to work and appreciate new settings.

What I enjoyed the most about this new experience was seeing the world through the eyes of many of the children I met.
The NNBA is the #1 trusted resource of helping nurses succeed in business. We have been in the business of educating and empowering nurses through entrepreneurial models for the past 38 years. Over the years, we've had thousands of testimonies on the transformative quality of being a member and attending our annual educational conference on nurse entrepreneurship. Nurses make great business owners!
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NNBA News - Volume 23; Number 8.0
Michelle DeLizio Podlesni - Editorial Director -
Lou Podlesni - Digital Editions Director -
Hart Healthcare Solutions, LLC, PO Box 272, Winchester, TN 37398, United States of America
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