Dear Nurses,
Thank you! We recognize and celebrate you during Nurse’s Week, and throughout the year! Nurses are working in a wide range of specialties and settings and in increasing numbers as nurse entrepreneurs. May 6th kicks off Nurse’s Week, May 8th is National Student Nurses Day, May 11th is National School Nurses Day and May 12th is International Nurses Day. Is it time to include a National Nurses in Business Day? The latest statistics from the Department of Health and Human Services show that 60% of nurses are working in hospitals. The Government, Education, Ambulatory, Nursing and Residential Facilities, adds up to 33%. That leaves 7% of where nurses are working unaccounted for; what do you think? There are many factors affecting how nurses are viewing where, when, and how they work. Join us in Las Vegas and meet colleagues that have incorporated entrepreneurship into their nursing practice. Take advantage of early bird savings that will extend throughout the entire month of May for NNBA’s 37th Annual Conference on Nurse Entrepreneurship! This conference has helped thousands of nurses to start and grow their own business on a part-time or full-time basis. We don’t want anything standing in the way of nurses getting information they need and the choices available to take control of their careers. The NNBA 2022 Conference is an educational and professional development event with eligible contact hours. NNBA member highlights are below and you don't want to miss How to Adopt a Creator’s Mindset. This is a valuable post for aspiring and experienced nurse entrepreneurs by Sarah Bell, RN, MBA, PCC. Penguin Random House announces a newly revised 3rd edition of Your First Year as a Nurse: Making the Transition From Total Novice to Successful Professional. In this thorough, readable guide, Donna Cardillo, known as “The Inspiration Nurse,” pulls back the curtain on what it’s really like for first-year nurses, with practical tips for navigating the healthcare system as a new member of the workforce in a world that looks vastly different than ever before. Lorie Brown’s new book What They Don’t Teach You in Nursing School is available for 99 cents on Amazon Kindle on May 9th only!
RN FACES is a Gold Sponsor for NNBA 2022 in Las Vegas. We are all looking forward to Stephanie Holvick's, RN Owner presentation “Go Live and Monetize Your Nursing Business” on Friday, July 22nd. Karen Avino, EdD, RN, AHN-BC, HWNC-BC, SGAHN is presenting “Integrative Nurse Coaching: Emerging Trends” on July 23rd and you can check out both ads and opportunities below.