Subject: NNBA News ~ Communicate Your Value ~ Last Chances to Register!

President's Corner
July 15, 2023
Dear Nurses,

The nursing profession is changing fast. Some changes we can control, however, there are many changes that are not what we prefer. Choose your preferment by attending NNBA’s signature conference on entrepreneurship and career alternatives. Our acclaimed speakers and wonderful exhibitors are nurse entrepreneur rock stars who are compelling, relevant, and have actionable content. Nurse business owners that are highly awarded and in aggregate, have millions of dollars in revenue, are going to share their valuable content with you. The experience, knowledge, and impact of #NNBA2023 is amazing,-as well as the support provided to fellow nurse entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs. Take this opportunity to create meaningful connections, collaborations, and networks with business-minded nurses. Only two and a half weeks until we see you in Las Vegas! Here’s the agenda: and be sure to register today!

Articles of Interest

It’s crucial for you to establish credibility, communicate your value proposition, and earn relationship currency from your customers. Read how in Easy Ways to Convert Customers with Paid Content.

How to leverage your strengths, dig in, gain traction, and re-vitalize a fulfilling nursing career in Marketing Is Easy When Value Is in The Driver’s Seat.

Personal growth can be compared to tending a garden, where we continuously invest in ourselves to thrive and prosper. Here are practical strategies, valuable insights, and helpful resources to unlock your capabilities in 5 Ways Personal Development Boosts Your Well-Being.

Throughout the conference a truly unique group of companies and organizations will be exhibiting the latest in services and devices along with educational programs and alternative career options. This will be your chance to closely examine a wide variety of products and services. #NNBA2023 Sponsors and Exhibitors are listed below the articles of interest.

One of Tony Robbins most familiar sayings is, “If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do, and you’ll achieve the same results.” By attending the Nurse Entrepreneurship & Career Alternatives Conference you will identify how your experience as a nurse translates into high-demand business opportunities, and see concrete models that work for today’s nurses. Go ahead and reinvent yourself, just don’t reinvent the wheel, and join us in Las Vegas!

Unconventionally yours,

© Michelle Podlesni 2023 All Rights Reserved. This newsletter may not be 
reproduced in any form, whole or in part without the author’s permission.
Are you a member of the NNBA Nurses in Business Community? If you want to create additional streams of income, have increased marketability and a competitive advantage in the business of healthcare you can click here to JOIN:
Articles of Interest
Easy Ways to Convert Customers With Paid Content

Marketing Insider Group
Have you ever wondered if your paid content is actually doing its job?
What you consider valuable content might be seen as worthless by your customers when they’re trying to make a purchase.
It’s kind of like a toll road. Gated content filled with handy how-to guides and relevant research can be the fastest route for your clients to make up their minds. But, it comes at a cost.

Ask yourself: Do your customers really value your content marketing enough to give up their contact info, email address, or even sign in with their social accounts? Sure, it’s all important for your sales pipeline, but the truth is, your customers might not care.
That’s why it’s crucial for you to establish credibility, communicate your value proposition, and earn that relationship currency from your customers. Because let’s face it, the shorter the buyer’s journey and sales process, the better for everyone involved.
Read More
Marketing is Easy When Value is in the Driver’s Seat

It’s easy to market and promote NNBA’s annual educational conference on entrepreneurship and career alternatives. The conference, like our organization’s mission, is driven by its core values to serve, encourage, educate, empower, and connect nurses. As the president of the NNBA, I have the honor of speaking with so many nurses from around the country. I hear about their experiences and why, for so many nurses right now, is a point in their life, that they’re looking for a change. In Nurse’s Tug of War: Do I Stay or Do I Go?, I wrote about this desire for change. In addition, I’ve been a nurse entrepreneur for over twenty years and I’ve experienced first-hand the joy of autonomy and fulfillment that comes with business ownership.

I have witnessed how NNBA’s conference changes lives. So, while it is easy for me to promote the conference’s value, I decided not to. Instead, here is what your nursing colleagues that have attended the conference have to say:
5 Ways Personal Development Boosts Your Well-Being

Personal development has become increasingly important in our quest for well-being and happiness in today’s fast-paced world. It involves investing time and effort in improving ourselves, whether developing new skills, cultivating positive habits, or enhancing our mindset. Personal growth can be compared to tending a garden, where we continuously invest in ourselves to thrive and prosper.

By focusing on personal development, we unlock our utmost potential and experience a profound influence on our overall happiness. It enables us to assume control of our lives, make constructive adjustments, and embrace new prospects. Personal growth is pivotal in enhancing our relationships, finding purpose, or bolstering our mental well-being.
Join us on this transformative journey to explore how personal development can enhance well-being.

Below, we’ll share practical strategies, valuable insights, and helpful resources to unlock your capabilities.
The NNBA is the #1 trusted resource of helping nurses succeed in business. We have been in the business of educating and empowering nurses through entrepreneurial models for the past 38 years. Over the years, we've had thousands of testimonies on the transformative quality of being a member and attending our annual educational conference on nurse entrepreneurship. Nurses make great business owners!
Share all the information in this newsletter with other Nurses!
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NNBA News - Volume 23; Number 7.5
Michelle DeLizio Podlesni - Editorial Director -
Lou Podlesni - Digital Editions Director -
Hart Healthcare Solutions, LLC, PO Box 272, Winchester, TN 37398, United States of America
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