Subject: NNBA Entrepreneur Success Highlights ~ Recent CMS Final Rule ~ Guest Blogger Opportunities

President's Corner
December 1, 2021
Dear Nurses,

More and more consumers say they plan on continuing to use telehealth services, and more than half of providers view it more favorably now than before. Entrepreneurs and providers offering remote monitoring technologies and services should understand new billing opportunities under Medicare. There are five new RTM, Remote Therapeutic Monitoring/Treatment Management codes, all of which go live starting January 1, 2022. Although identified as eligible qualified healthcare professionals, nurses benefit from understanding and use of these codes. Remote monitoring will continue its growth as an area of significant upside potential over the coming years.

Guest Blogging Welcome! What are successful outcomes of guest blogging? Read Guest Blogging Your Way to Success and we hope to hear from you using this excellent content marketing strategy.

The NNBA helps nurses succeed in business by providing a wealth of information on entrepreneurship, business development, operations, and marketing in the Nurses Business Training Center. Three modules, twenty-eight lessons, three different business plans and printouts are there to choose from for nurses that are starting or expanding their businesses. Multiple marketing, advertising, and networking resources are provided to keep your business successful!

If you are interested in sponsoring, exhibiting, or advertising, for NNBA 2022 conference, be sure to check out these options and fill out the application. We have a limited number of tables and several have already been purchased.

We are back to in-person events and excited to be with you again this July 21-23, 2022 in Las Vegas Nevada! Stay tuned for future announcements on the NNBA 2022 Conference and remember registration opens in February.
Be sure to check out NNBA’s members highlighted below, as well as opportunities and resources provided by our nurse advertisers.
Thank you to all the nurses that provided speaker submissions in the past two months. This is always an exciting time when we are coordinating our program that provides nurses massive-value on nurse entrepreneurship!

Unconventionally yours,


© Michelle Podlesni 2021 All Rights Reserved. This newsletter may not be 
reproduced in any form, whole or in part without the author’s permission.

Are you a member of the NNBA Nurses in Business Community? If you want to create additional streams of income, have increased marketability and a competitive advantage in the business of healthcare you can click here learn more:

7,000 nurses in-person and 3,500 virtual attendees for the ANCC Magnet Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

Healing Touch Certified Practitioners and Instructors will share their knowledge, experience, and skills on using Healing Touch techniques to support clients experiencing trauma. NNBA member, Kathy Allan, is a Board Certified Holistic Nurse and has extensive training in Energy Medicine and the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. You can register for this webinar here:

FREE Webinar: 3 Things to know after getting diagnosed with Lupus

Learn tips & insights on navigating health and life after a lupus diagnosis. It is the second box down when you click here: 
Share all the information in this newsletter with other Nurses!
Participate in delivering the message that nurses make great business owners, leaders and mentors!  Click on the buttons below and thank you!
NNBA News - Volume 21; Number 12.0
Michelle DeLizio Podlesni - Editorial Director -
Lou Podlesni - Digital Editions Director -
Hart Healthcare Solutions, LLC, PO Box 272, Winchester, TN 37398, United States of America
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