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 | President's Corner
Registration Is Open! Officially Open! Registration for NNBA’s Nurse Entrepreneurship & Career Alternatives 30th Annual Conference. Please join us as we celebrate this milestone event in Las Vegas, Nevada October 2 - 4, 2015. The theme of this year’s conference is “The Next Generation of Nurse Entrepreneurship”. Business opportunities, business practices and strategies to share with other nurses to start, manage, grow, improve or sell their business. An educational and professional development event designed to give attendees, from emerging nurse entrepreneurs to nurse business leaders and managers, the benefit of learning from top-ranked experts on relevant topics and to connect with prestigious speakers and like-minded colleagues.
Hotel Room Block for NNBA Make plans now to stay at The Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino. We have negotiated an incredible rate (starting at $64.00) per night over the conference dates. Click here https://resweb.passkey.com/go/SNNBA to make your reservations on line directly with the hotel. If you are unable to book you room online then you must use the SNNBA5 code when speaking to the hotel. This room block will fill up so make sure to make your reservations as soon as possible. Exhibitor & Sponsorship Marketing Opportunities We are offering affordable options that deliver maximum value. You can have a blend of brand exposure and face to face time with the NNBA audience. You will see that sponsorship options this year have some incredible deals that tie to advertising in our newsletter and NNBA’s website. Exhibit space is limited and assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to submit your application early!
Golden Opportunity A moment can change a life; as nurses we know this better than most people. The 30th Nurse Entrepreneurship Conference in October can change your career and life. In the generation that has passed since the NNBA was founded, thousands of nurses have benefited from attending the conference, have launched new careers and made lasting friendships. Make the most out of your education and experience; plan to be there with us!
Viva Las Vegas,
Want to network with nurses, leaders and mentors? Our membership ranges |
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Articles of Interest
4 Ways to Market Your Business for Free | Entrepreneur Magazine
Ask any entrepreneur that’s just starting out what the most difficult aspect of their business is and they’ll likely point you to the challenge of reaching and retaining customers. Yes, marketing a new business or product can be a time consuming, costly endeavor -- something many entrepreneurs don't have. Small businesses and startups generally don’t have the luxury of outsourcing their marketing needs to professionals. However, there are a handful of marketing practices available to entrepreneurs that don’t require them to burn through valuable resources to get this challenge under foot and get their business humming. Read More
Want People To Accept Your LinkedIn Requests? Use These 10 Templates | Forbes
This morning, when I logged into LinkedIn, I had nine connection requests waiting for me. Some were from recruiters, some were from total strangers, some were from fellow writers, and some were from old classmates—but they all said the exact same thing: “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.” It baffles me that everyone isn’t customizing their invitations—but in fact, very few people do. Those 300 characters can have a big impact, though: If you’re connecting with someone you know well, it’s a great opportunity to say something nice and reinforce the relationship. If you’re connecting with someone you don’t know well, it’s a great opportunity to remind him or her how you met. If you’re connecting with someone you don’t know at all, it’s your only opportunity to convince him or her to accept. Read More |
The 10 Secrets That Make Networking Easy, Fun and Ridiculously Effective | Quicksprout
After ten years of being an entrepreneur, I’ve learned a thing or two about networking. One of the most important things I learned is that networking is a lifestyle. It needs to be worked into your DNA so that you are networking at all times, effortlessly and happily. When you treat networking as a lifestyle, you don’t get anxious when you see a stranger at a conference, when the phone rings or when you’re waiting in a long line. What you see and feel is opportunity. So, let me share with you ten networking secrets that will show you how to take those opportunities and turn them into profitable relationships. Read More |
Why You Need to Feed Your Soul, Not Your Ego | Success
Not too long ago, I was sitting on a beach in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and noticed a couple holding hands, walking along the shoreline. They looked so peaceful and perfect, like an island getaway commercial. And then it happened: His cellphone went off. She gave him a look as if to say, “I dare you!” But the idiot took the dare. Not only did he answer the phone, but he let go of her hand, walked away and talked for 10 minutes. She shook her head, walked over to their beach setup and sat down under the umbrella. The couple that had just resembled a picture-perfect getaway were about to become prime candidates for The Dr. Phil Show. Read More |
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Special Offer for NNBA From Rich Williams and Nurses FYI Magazine - Nurses fyi Magazine is now available on Android’s Google Play. You can now read Nurses fyi Magazine on either the Apple or Google Play platforms. To find the magazine go to either platform and search “Nurses fyi” and download the app.
- Read six of the best cover stories for FREE via download as a PDF by subscribing to the site nursesfyi.com and by subscribing you wont miss out on special offers in the future.
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"Be like the bird who, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing she hath wings." - Victor Hugo ... |
| | You Don't Want to Miss This! October 2 - 4, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada |
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Maureen Sullivan Tevault RN, BSN, CEN, CDE
Maureen Sullivan has worked for many years as a Registered Nurse, most of them in emergency and trauma services. She is a Certified Emergency Nurse, Certified Diabetes Educator, and the former manager of a hospital stroke program. Maureen’s wealth of knowledge, passion for nursing and education, and ability to engage people makes her an excellent teacher and a captivating lecturer. Recently, Maureen has been concentrating on writing, speaking and teaching, as well as working on her award-winning weekly podcast, “The Health and Humor Show.” She was featured in the July 2012 issue of the National Diabetes Educational Program Partner Spotlight, and also in the November 2012 issue of Nurse.com magazine. She writes courses for Pedagogy, an online provider of continuing education classes for healthcare professionals, and is on staff at The Examiner, for whom she writes health stories for the Tampa Bay Area. She has had articles published in Nurse Week, EMS World, and Advance for Nurses. As a public speaker and educator, Maureen has done presentations for the American Heart Association, both at the corporate level and locally for the Tampa Bay Heart Walk. She has also done presentations or fundraisers for the American Cancer Society, Pinellas County Schools’ HEAT program, National Stroke Association, American Diabetes Association, Emergency Nurses Association, Gulfport Memorial Hospital, HCA Hospital System, Humana, and the Mississippi Department of Health.
Maureen recently published Never Again! From Horror to Humor, My Life as A Nurse, in which she relates some of the many stories she has accumulated during her career. The stories are funny, poignant, and often bizarre, and her Irish wit and “gift of gab” makes them all highly entertaining!
Twitter: @MaureenSRN
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| NNBA News – Volume 15 Number 4.5 |
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