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Dear Colleagues,
26 days to register for NNBA 2017 Annual Educational Conference on Entrepreneurship. Tomorrow is the last day to receive NNBA’s generous room discount at the Sirata Beach Resort at (800) 344-5999 on the beautiful white sands of St. Pete’s Beach.
Don’t recreate the wheel! Success leaves tracks. Learn from our many successful entrepreneurs that desire to share their knowledge so you can achieve your dreams of owning your own business. Many nurses have said the NNBA conference was a pivotal moment that changed their lives. Real nurses, real businesses, and up to 15 contact hours will be available. For those of you that already are in business, you know that this one weekend a year can set many collaborations and plans for your next year in business. Powerful networking and meaningful relationships; you can register here https://nnbanow.com/nnba-conference-2017/.
We have a fabulous offer for you during the conference. You want to project the right image with a professional headshot. These sessions can cost hundreds of dollars. Think about how often we use photos today (LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogs, Books, etc.) Take advantage of the opportunity. Laura Chapin Photography Headshot Portraits $40 Special. Hours will be flexible and portrait times will be scheduled on-site between 8AM and 1PM September 8-10, 2017. https://nnbanow.com/nnba-conference-2017/
Interested in making some introductions of our sessions and speakers? We are looking for a few volunteers so if you're registered and interested, reply to this email!
Linnea Stonebraker, RN, PhD, is the founder of the National Institute of Healthcare Education and is a Silver Sponsor of this year’s conference. I am very excited for nurses that will be stopping by their booth to learn how they can inexpensively start their own Safety Training Centers. Read more about Linnea’s company in the first article of interest below. Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Other People Stealing Your Ideas is one of the very best articles I have read to accurately deal with this topic; a very good read for innovative nurses. And 6 Reasons Your Elevator Pitch Isn’t Working is spot on. It is about the message you are sending or, in this case, not sending. Have you heard the saying that your network is your net worth? I know this is true; networking, which is building relationships, is the best part about our conference, after all, we are the #1 Nurse Business Owner Network! Please be sure to share with your friends and colleagues this link www.NNBAConference.com. Hope to see you there! |
| Unconventionally yours,
Michelle |
| | Nurse Business Insider Tip by Brian Tracy |
| Where Nurses in Business will share an insider tip that may benefit other nurses in different stages of business development. |
| I’m a huge fan of Brian Tracy, a giant in business education, global speaker and author of over 80 books in multiple languages. He cites seven habits that all entrepreneurs regularly work on. I see these displayed by many of our successful Nurse Business Owners!
- Increasing Productivity - Look for ways to do more with less and to get more out at a lower cost.
- Customer Satisfaction - What has to happen for your customers to be so happy with you that they buy again and tell their friends?
- Profitability - Many businesses focus too much on the top line and gross sales, rather than on the bottom line and net profits.
- Quality - Customers only buy a product or service because they feel that it is of higher quality in some way than other competitors.
- People Building - All productivity, profitability, sales, and fulfillment come from your people. Your ability to select them and then to motivate and inspire them is essential for your success.
- Organizational Development - Constantly look for ways to organize and reorganize your business so that it functions more efficiently and effectively in getting the results you desire.
- Continuous Innovation - Fully 80% of products and services being sold today will be obsolete within five years or less. Develop and produce product and service innovations as a regular part of your business.
| Choice, not chance determines our future. Choose to attend our annual educational conference on Nurse Entrepreneurship & Career Alternatives and discover the unlimited choices in nursing! |
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How I Became a Nurse Entrepreneur
Why You Shouldn’t Worry About People Stealing Your Ideas
Resource Inc.
6 Reasons Your Elevator Pitch Isn’t Working
Entrepreneur Magazine
I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with Linnea Stonebreaker, RN, PhD, founder of the National Institute for Healthcare Education. Linnea spent most of her career in critical care nursing with an advanced degree in healthcare program administration. After three decades nursing, her career choices all seemed to have high stress and long hours. In 2001 she began to look for another way. Her husband had and his own business for over 20 years and suggested Linnea look at starting her own business. She started a direct marketing company with the health oriented parent company and worked hard at this for a couple years. She learned a lot about sales and marketing and the power of residual income through the principle of repeat sales to the same customer. Read More
Chester Carlson worked on his idea for years. It was tough, messy work and when his wife tired of the putrid smells, sulfur fires and occasional explosions emanating from the kitchen, his experiments were exiled to a second floor apartment in a house his mother-in-law owned. Eventually, though, he came up with a working prototype. He tried to sell his machine to the great corporations of the day, including GE, RCA and IBM, but to no avail. Eventually, he teamed up with the Haloid Corporation, which eventually changed its name to Xerox and in 1959, more than 20 years after Carlson began his quest, it launched the 914 copier and became one of America's leading corporations.
Whether you’re a hopeful entrepreneur trying to find investors to help you start your business or a seasoned business leader introducing your enterprise for the first time, you’ve only got about 30 seconds to land a great first impression, and your elevator pitch is the best tool to get the job done. If it doesn’t impress, it’s going to lose you a lot of opportunities. If you’ve already got an elevator pitch sketched out and you’ve tried it in a live environment, only to find yourself struggling to get beyond the “introduction” stage, there are several reasons why your approach might be betraying you:
1. It’s too formal. This isn’t an essay contest. It’s a conversation, and it should sound like a natural conversation to anyone who’s listening. Read More |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | About the NNBAThe National Nurses in Business Association, the forerunner of the nurse entrepreneurship movement, provides education, support, empowerment and opportunities for nurses in business since 1985. Thousands of nurses over the past 30 years have benefited from membership in the NNBA and launched successful businesses. The NNBA is the #1 Nurse Business Owner Network and serves as The Voice of Nurse Entrepreneurship™. Learn about joining the NNBA by clicking here.
| | Share all the information in this newsletter with other Nurses! Participate in delivering the message that nurses make great business owners, leaders and mentors! Click on the buttons bgelow and thank you! |
| | | NNBA News - Volume 17; Number 8.5 |