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 | President's Corner
Here we go! The Riviera Hotel & Casino is the venue for our 30th Anniversary and Annual Nurse Entrepreneurship Conference. For more than five decades, the Riviera has embodied the principle of exceptional service and superior dedication to its guests and customers. The Riviera is “Classic Las Vegas” on the strip and we are thrilled to have secured this location for October 2-4, 2015. More details will follow, including our very special keynote speakers for Day 1 and Day 2. You will not want to miss this event so mark your calendars and plan to be there! I receive calls each week from companies or individuals that are looking to employ nurse consultants. Please make sure that you have your account profile filled out in the directory. You never know where referrals may come from to speak, teach, partner or receive an opportunities to provide your service. This week, I was contacted by the California Department of Justice and “The Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse- Facilities Enforcement Team in need of NURSE CONSULTANTS throughout California. If you want to fight neglect and abuse of residents in nursing homes, be part of a team that investigates crimes against the elderly and the programs that serve them, and do important, interesting, and challenging work, this could be the opportunity of a lifetime. You must have an active valid license as a registered nurse in California and possession of a baccalaureate and master’s degree in a health-related field such as: nursing, public health, health care services, health care administration, or hospital administration. For more information, please contact me and I will give you the information and the person to contact.
Because of the number of calls we get regarding potential opportunities for our members, I am going to place a “Career Opportunities” tab under our NNBA Resources on the website. In the future I will refer members to that link. This is aligned with our mission statement’s part of developing opportunities locally and nationally for nurses in business! All Speaker Proposals must be received no later than February 13th. Thank you in advance and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Last, but not least; check out the Empowered Nurse Enlightened Practice™ conference and retreat presented by Donna Cardillo, RN CSP®. Click on the picture below and learn all about this wonderful event for Nurses. Donna is offering NNBA members a $50 discount by entering the code Retreat15 when registering! We work hard at being the best we can be and this is a wonderful opportunity to invest in ourselves and recharge our batteries!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Want to network with nurses, leaders and mentors? Our membership ranges |
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Articles of Interest
Emotional Intelligence, What It Is and Why Its Important | Psychology Today
"All learning has an emotional base." -- Plato The ability to express and control our own emotions is important, but so is our ability to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others. Imagine a world where you couldn't understand when a friend was feeling sad or when a co-worker was angry. Psychologists refer to this ability as emotional intelligence, and some experts even suggest that it can be more important than IQ. Learn more about exactly what emotional intelligence is, how it works, and how it is measured. Read More
What to Know Before Having a Website | Success Tip
If you already have a website up and running, you’ve already gone through this, but if you’re thinking about launching a website for the first time, you will need to understand the following: 1) Choose your domain name This requires thought on your part and is up to you to decide – don’t rush it. Your domain name should reflect what your website is about and could be your business name, your product or service name, even your own name. There are many suffixes that you can choose (IE: .com; .net; .org; .biz, etc.) however we recommend for business to stick with a .com suffix. Obviously these names only work if they are unique (not already used). Many hosting providers give you a free method of checking to see if the domain name you are looking to use is available. Try using www.instantdomainsearch.com or www.godaddy.com to search domain names for free. Read More |
Hospitals Firing Seasoned Nurses: Nurses Fight Back | Allnurses
I am an experienced nurse that has watched many of my very talented colleagues leave the bedside due to the changes that have taken place in healthcare as of late. I have seen staff cut to the minimum, while patient acuity and nurse to patient ratios increase. I have seen support staff break down in tears because they have not been able to do their jobs properly. I have seen staff pushed to their breaking point, all the while administration stays in their offices, or in the meetings, determining yet more ways they can cut our resources. Read More
How the Internet Makes Our Lives Better | Business Insider
What are bitcoins, and should you invest in them? How many calories do you burn while riding a bike for an hour? What's the best way to unclog a toilet? No matter what the question is, you can find the answer on the internet. While many of us remember what life was like before the World Wide Web, few of us can imagine the future without it. The ability to search for answers to an embarrassing question or communicate with people from across the globe — all with the stroke of a keyboard — would be pretty hard to give up. And with faster broadband networks and WiFi hotspots everywhere we turn, many of us stay connected nearly 24 hours a day. Read More
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Joyce Harrell, RN Healing Streams Wellness Center
Joyce has 25 years of experience as Registered Nurse. The past 16 years she has dedicated her nursing career primarily to Cancer Care.
While working toward a BSN, she was introduced to the work of Dr. Jean Watson and caring theories. She was immediately drawn to the holistic care arena.
In 2010, after a experiencing severe compassion fatigue and burnout, Joyce was introduced to the concept of Wellness Coaching, and had the "ah ha" moments that her own intense nurturing was toward everyone except herself.
Joyce studied and trained through the programs of Wellcoaches and Wellness Inventory. She currently utilizes the Wellness Inventory program in her Wellness Coaching.
Joyce owns Healing Streams Wellness Center, and Joyce Harrell Wellness, where she educates women on using whole-person centered and natural solutions to experience well-being and encourages a non-toxic approach to many health concerns.
Joyce offers individual and group wellness coaching programs through online an in-person venues.
Joyce also provides consultations for hospice patients and caregivers through her Aromatic program called Transitions.
The term Wholistic best describes Joyce’s vision for coaching. Whole = Healing the Whole Woman: Body, Mind, and Spirit. She is an avid blogger, community wellness advocate. You can contact Joyce for individual coaching, corporate groups, or as a conference speaker at joyce@theessentialnurse.com. Her website is http://www.joyceharrell.com.
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| NNBA News – Volume 15 Number 2.0 |
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