Subject: There's only one right way to do Amazon...


there's always a right way and a wrong way of doing things...

Building Amazon affiliate stores is no different, the good bit is that it's actually really easy to do it the right way!

Yes, you simpy use the BEST store builder system that there is...

It's the most customisable store builder available. There's not just a huge variety of skins and templates...

You can even change the site content.

No more duplicate content penalties from Google = better ranking and more traffic for you.

AND it's now on version 6, so you know this thing not only has a real pedigree based on success, it's also going to be around for a long time to come, they keep developing it and updating it for all their members!

This isn't some fly-by-night plugin. This store-builder has been growing for years. Over 10,000 people use it in their Amazon businesses.

And in that time, it's picked up some HOT features:

~ Auto-populate: don't want to find your products manually? No problem - just pick a category and let FSB fill your shelves for you

~ 90-day cookie shopping cart: guaranteed to maximise your commissions... and because the cart is built in to your store site, your customers are kept on your site until they've really filled their boots

~ Customisable related products: pick and choose which products to cross-sell to make sure your commission cheques are fatter than ever

~ Extended smart search: the search feature automatically shows products from Amazon that match your search term, even if you haven't added them to your store. You'll never miss out on commissions

~ Facebook integration: tap into the biggest traffic source out there with unique content and offers added to your page automatically

~ Mobile responsive template: your stores will look amazing on every device

And the best part?

You can have it up and running in a matter of minutes. Even if you don't have any tech skills. After serving 10,000 customers, these guys have 'ease of use' down to a fine art ;)

Normally, access would cost $300.

But right now, you can get a truly massive discount on it, but only for the next few days!

Click the button below to go check out the video for yourself:
*Note: This is a lifetime license, there's no ongoing recurring payments for this offer.

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett & Gary Prendergast

Profit Marketer


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