Subject: How long is a piece of string..? [what?]


How many times have we been told "the money is in the list"..?

It crops up in an email almost every month, if not every week, right?

It's not wrong, it's just one of those 'statements' that is a bit unspecific and fuzzy.

It leads to the question 'exactly how much can you make from sending just one email'...

That's where the piece of string comes in, as this is one of those questions that has no straight answer, just like the classic 'how long is a piece of string'...

*note: I'm wondering if that's just a UK expression, please feel free to hit reply and let me know if you know...

It all depends on the size and responsiveness of your list.

i.e. how many subscribers you have and how much they know, like and trust you (KLT).

Even a small list can be a massive earner ($5k+ per email) if you've built the KLT factor.

So in fact the money isn't so much in the list, it's in the relationship you have with your subscribers.

Just imagine being able to pull in big pay days with only a small list, not having to spend all your time trying to pile as many new emails as possible on to your lists, inseatd just building the relationship you have.

and it's not actually that dificult, there's simple step by step methods you can follow to quickly build this kind of 'super list' that is highly responsive.

A method that will show you exactly how to build a list of offer buyers, not 'tire kickers' (aka freebie seekers).

This includes:

~ the 100% opt-in method

~ the “reverse squeeze page” kit

and other advanced tactics that you can start using today with NO skills or experience.

And you get a bunch of case studies, including one from a total newbie who earned $4k on his first day!!!

It's not just about learning the tactics, you also get the chance to see for yourself the real world results of people who’ve used these methods within the last few months.


#1: yup, this is on a dimesale, so the price is going up every few sales, right now it's still under $5, so stupidly cheap...

#2: the offer is only available for the next 4 days, so check it out now before the weekend!

Click the button below to take a look for yourself:
Kind regards,
Matt Garrett & Gary Prendergast

Profit Marketer


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