Subject: 7 Day Firesale: Easily cash in on this evergreen niche + PLR


I want to let you know about an amazing firesale that's happening right now!

If you want to be in a profitable niche that's here to stay...

or line up an additional income stream to your online business without any extra effort...

Then you're going to absolutely LOVE this!

Graphics Firesale + PLR

Graphic Designers June Ashley and Kayte-Lee are throwing out a week-long firesale.

For a limited time only, you can get your hands on a 100% ready-to-go, brand new graphics package:

~ You can resell as your own
~ You can rebrand as your own
~ And keep 100% of the sales!

They are renowned for creating premium graphic solutions for thousands of marketers and here's your rare opportunity to swipe their newest product for yourself.

Products like this normally costs thousands of dollars to create so when you see how much they're letting this go, it's a no-brainer.

Graphics Empire Firesale Includes:

+ Over 20 Graphics Modules
+ Sales Letter & TQ Page
+ Sales Video
+ Graphics
+ Non-Transferable PLR License

Only catch is: this is on for just 7 days.

Click the link below to get your instant graphics empire with PLR:
NOTE: this is a perfect PLR offer to use in any 'IM' product funnel or follow up sequence, everyone needs graphics! :-)

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett & Gary Prendergast

Profit Marketer


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