Subject: The 2015 NGLA Call for Programs is Now Live!

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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you because the Northeast Greek Leadership Association is interested in partnering with the various governing bodies or trade organizations within the interfraternal movement to provide program submissions for general, keynote, and featured speaker programming for the members of the fraternity and sorority communities of the Northeast as part of the NGLA Annual Conference held on February 26-March 1 2015 in Hartford CT. If you would be interested in participating in our Call for Programs, please follow the link. Please submit proposals for programs by August 31, 2014.


Shawn M. Dowiak
Co-Chair, Programming Committee
Northeast Greek Leadership Association
NGLA, Attn: NGLA, 701 E. Cathedral Rd Ste 45 PMB 370, Philadelphia, PA 19128, United States of America
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