Subject: NGLA Newsletter - May 2014

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Seeking top-notch volunteers for new leadership role!
Calling all seasoned professionals! NGLA has expanded its volunteer structure and we are seeking a few dynamic people with experience in supervising volunteer teams, communicating strategic objectives, and a thorough understanding of NGLA to head our Volunteer Management Team. Volunteer Managers will report to the Director of Volunteers and serve as a liaison to a cohort of committee chairs and workgroups, overseeing project management and assessing progress and completion.

Additionally, NGLA is seeking a qualified veteran volunteer to serve as our Director of Volunteers, filling the vacancy left by the appointment of Tiffany Neal to the board of directors. Both the Coordinator of Volunteers and Volunteer Managers are a two year commitment.

Additional information about these roles, including position description and interest form can be found at

Interested in another volunteer role? Look for a call for volunteers for the 2014-2015 year later this summer!
Calendar planning? Mark your calendar for the NGLA Annual Conference in Hartford, CT
The conference will be held in Hartford from February 26-March 1, 2015. Start planning now to maximize your conference attendance. 
Don't forget to apply for NPC Panhellenic awards!
The College Panhellenics awards and recognition applications are now open! Please take some time to review the supplemental materials, including the explanation of the process and the list of the requested materials and information. You can find all of this information on the “Complete Reports” page on the NPC website under the “Awards” section. The deadline for awards is June 1.

More information about awards can be found here.

NGLA Brag Board

Cornell fraternity/sorority community says "No More" to sexual assault
The Cornell IFC, MGLC, and Panhellenic communities participated in the No More campaign to end sexual assault and domestic violence in April. Using a social media awareness campaign, students shared the ways they say "No More." The community engaged in this important awareness campaign because of the alarming statistics about gender based violence. 
  • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men experience violence from their partners in their lifetimes.
  • 1 in 5 women are survivors of rape.
  • 1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men have experienced some form of sexual victimization in their lives.
Check out for more information about this powerful campaign. What can you do on your campus to engage in the dialogue?
NGLA FY15 early bird membership/event voucher opportunity!

You asked, and we answered. NGLA is offering this program for those partners who want to plan for the 2014-2015 year now. Whether you need to budget more for conference attendance or want to send an additional person, this can be a great way to provide leadership opportunities for students and advisors.

How it works:
Buy the voucher now and use it toward membership dues or event registration prior to July 1, 2015. The voucher must be used in its entirety and can only be used once. If you are interested in making multiple transactions (for example, paying for membership dues in one transaction and conference registration fees in another transaction, consider purchasing multiple vouchers). Unfortunately, NO REFUNDS can be provided for unused vouchers.
Important Dates       
June 1, 2014                        NPC Awards deadline
June 4-7, 2014                     Novak Institute for Hazing Prevention., Memphis, TN
June 30, 2014                      Last day to buy NGLA FY15 vouchers         
February 21 - 24, 2015        NGLA Annual Conference, Hartford, CT
NGLA, Attn: NGLA, 701 E. Cathedral Rd Ste 45 PMB 370, Philadelphia, PA 19128, United States of America
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.
NGLA, Attn: NGLA, 701 E. Cathedral Rd Ste 45 PMB 370, Philadelphia, PA 19128, United States of America
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.