Subject: NGLA Newsletter - March 2016

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2016 NGLA Annual Conference
Thank you to those who attended our annual conference in 2016. 1,004 people joined us in Pittsburgh, PA. We enjoyed being with our brothers and sisters from across the Northeast and hope the conversations, topics and ideas shared will impact you and your fraternal community this semester. A special thanks to the conference committee, student staff, institute faculty, educational program presenters, keynote speakers and our sponsors.
NGLA Conference Session Evaluations

Don’t forget to complete session evaluations in guidebook! These evaluations are for all education program blocks and professional programs. The feedback will be used for planning next year’s NGLA conference in Hartford. Advisors please encourage your students!

2016 NGLA Awards
Congratulations to all of the award winners!

2016 Silent Auction

Thanks to those who participated in the 2016 silent auction at our annual conference. We raised $5,571 this year. Cumulatively we have raised $10,392 since the auction began in 2014. This money will be used for NGLA scholarships in the future.
NGLA Advisor Academy

We welcomed over 30 advisors for another successful Advisor Academy training, held by Dan Wrona from RISE Partnerships! We look forward to hosting the Advisor Academy again in Hartford 2018.
Thank you, NGLA Conference Sponsors!

We’d like to thank all of our sponsors for their support of the 2016 NGLA Conference:
Fraternal Composite Service



Delta Phi Epsilon
Dyad Strategies
James Robilotta
Pasqua Productions
Prevention Culture
Vantine Imaging
Circle of Sisterhood, Friday Keynote

Program Sponsors
Delta Phi Epsilon, Professionals Institute
Delta Zeta Sorority, Sign Language Interpreters
Phi Mu Delta Fraternity, Advisors Academy
RISE Partnerships, Advisors Academy
Sigma Kappa Sorority, Advanced Leadership Summit
The Catalyst Agency, Professionals Reception

Wellness for Professionals

As professionals working with college students, we all know how crazy the spring can be. Between award banquets, end of the year reports, closing chapter facilities, Greek Week and end of the year programs, it can be hard to find time for ourselves. Work/life balance tends to fall to the wayside, but that doesn’t mean we can’t work to ensure we are taking care of ourselves. Mindfulness has been an increasingly popular topic and tactic for mental health. In a workforce that is focused on serving students, mindfulness is a great way to ensure we are taking care of ourselves while providing our students with the best support possible.

The Student Counseling Services at Illinois State University developed a great program titled “Mindfulness as a Student Affairs Practice”. Review their program to learn more about mindfulness and how you can implement mindfulness in your daily work. For more information on the general practices and theory of mindfulness please review the American Psychological Association’s article “What Are the Benefits of Mindfulness?” 

Practice What You Preach

How are you modeling good self-care for the students with whom you work? Brittany Smith details common scenarios student affairs professionals encounter as a result of not practicing good self-care in her article “Do As I Say, Not As I Do: Self-Care and Role Modeling." Learn how this colleague role-models good self-care for the students she works with daily. 

Did your campus just win an awesome award? Is your community engaged in an amazing philanthropy or community service initiative? Have some news that you just need to share with the NGLA community? We want to know! If you think your campus, chapter, National Organization or community deserves full bragging rights, complete our Brag Board submission form so we can share your news!

Volunteer of the Month, February – Erin Courville

Erin began volunteering with NGLA in the spring 2015 semester on the brand manager marketing team. Her excellent communication, observations and insight helped the team assess the layout of the association website. When the new position of project manager was created by the board of directors to assist with website content, Erin was an obvious candidate to fill the role. Erin will be working with Matt Tornow, our website manager, to filter through requests for the NGLA website. Please join us in thanking Erin for her valuable service.
Volunteer of the Month, March – Tara Leigh Sands

Tara Leigh Sands is the co-chair for the Conference Programming Committee. Throughout the year she has brought new life into the committee, helping to re-envision the NGLA Institute to focus on the most pressing issues affecting our students. A few weeks ago, Tara Leigh's co-chair stepped down, and she has done an amazing job taking the lead on all educational programming initiatives and providing an easy transition for all of our partners. She is always quick to volunteer for additional conference-related tasks and has done a tremendous amount of behind-the-scenes work to make this year's conference a success.
NGLA, Attn: NGLA, 701 E. Cathedral Rd Ste 45 PMB 370, Philadelphia, PA 19128, United States of America
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