Subject: NGLA Drive-Ins Call for Campus Hosts

Your campus could host the next NGLA drive-in!
The Northeast Greek Leadership Association (NGLA) is seeking a qualified campus to host one of two drive-in leadership events in Fall 2014.

Specifically, there are two themed drive-in events: Northeast Greek Summit (NEGS) and Local Greek Leadership Conference (LGLC). Campuses responding to the RFP can elect to host either or both drive-ins if selected. The host institution will work with a group of NGLA volunteers to develop curriculum.

NGLA has programming for local and regional training of collegiate men and women. The drive-ins are timed to complement the lessons taught at the annual conference. NGLA believes that campuses should have the opportunity to host drive-ins and take pride in their schools and students, while working with a dedicated group of volunteers to provide a meaningful day of leadership development.

Information about how to submit a proposal to host one (or both) of the drive-ins is as follows:

Dates: Proposals due June 30, 2014

Respond To: Matthew Modansky, Drive-In Committee Chairman, or 317-789-8338

Background: To learn more about NGLA's mission, vision and strategy, go here.

Requirements and Expectations

Attendance: Campus must be able to accommodate a minimum of 75 students (not expected to exceed 150 students).

Location: A host campus must be able to secure multiple meeting spaces in a single building. Meeting space should include one (1) larger room for keynote sessions, three (3) or more rooms for breakout sessions, one (1) room for meals. Prospective host campuses should consider parking and potential overnight accommodations.

Meals: Each drive-in program must serve a meal during the lunch hours. Lunch must be at least 45
minutes long. There are no requirements on what should be served, however, please consider different dietary restrictions when planning a menu.

Facilitators: The host campus is expected to supply support staff for the day of the event to assist the host committee.

Time: It is advisable that drive-in meetings start no earlier than 10:00 am and conclude no later than 5:00 pm.

Dates: Drive-in meetings shall take place on Saturdays during the months of September, October or November.

Budget Considerations
NGLA believes that drive-in programs should be self-sustaining. The cost of meeting space, meals and materials should be covered in the registration fees.

Suggested Fee Schedule for Drive-In Meetings
  • Member Rate = Regular drive-in meeting registration fee as established by the drive-in meeting coordinators. Suggested registration fee = $30
  • Non-Member Rate = Registration fee for non-members of the association. Non- members must pay a higher rate than members. Suggested registration fee = $50 
Host institutions and drive-in Committees are encouraged to identify additional revenue sources.

Timeline of Committee Process
May 15, 2014 – Distribution of RFP
June 30, 2014 – Proposals Due
July 1, 2014 – Begin review of proposals
July 15, 2014 – Committee will notify campuses selected to host
Summer 2014 – Committee assigned and development of curriculum
September – November, 2014 – Drive-Ins hosted on selected campuses.

NGLA Drive-In Proposal Checklist
Proposals must include the following information:
  • Institution name and address
  • Contact person designated for this event (name, phone and email)
  • Number of fraternal organization on your campus (all councils)
  • Size of staff working with fraternities/sororities (full and part time)
  • Cost of meeting space (if applicable)
  • Cost of meeting space (if applicable)
  • Cost of audio visual services (if applicable)
  • Cost for meal service (if applicable)
  • Cost for parking (if applicable)
  • Summary of all expenses that will be absorbed by host institution.
Please also include (in this order):
• Cover letter expressing interest and institutional support for hosting a drive-in.
• Support letter from senior administrator committing to role of host institution.
• Explanation how the host institution will utilize support staff, graduate students, and undergraduate both prior to and during the drive-in. 
• Campus map with both parking and meeting space clearly marked.
• Brochure/floor layouts of residence and meeting space with photos (or link to online photos).

Format: Please submit as a PDF or Word document.

The deadline to submit a proposal is June 30, 2014.

NGLA, Attn: NGLA, 701 E. Cathedral Rd Ste 45 PMB 370, Philadelphia, PA 19128, United States of America
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