Subject: January 18 | Deadline to Apply for 2021 NGLA Awards & Scholarships!

Nominate Individuals or Groups for Accomplishments in 2020
Let’s celebrate individuals and groups that have helped advance the mission of NGLA through their programs, initiatives, and commitment to the fraternal movement! Individual Service Awards recognize students, professionals, and volunteers.
Amy Vojta Impact Awards recognize chapters, councils, and communities in the following categories: academic achievement, chapter development and leadership, civic engagement, membership recruitment/intake, multicultural initiatives/programming, public relations, and risk reduction.
Apply for 2021 NGLA Awards by January 18, 2021 @ 11:59pm EST.
Please contact for more information.
Scholarships Available for All
Don’t miss an opportunity to receive a scholarship to attend the 2021 NGLA Virtual Conference! Whether you’re attending for the first time, haven’t attended in recent years, or attend regularly, scholarships are available for individuals and delegations.
  • Conference Registration Scholarship is for individuals and includes one registration.
  • Discovering NGLA Delegation Scholarship is for delegations attending the NGLA Virtual Conference for the first time or delegations that haven't attended the NGLA Annual Conference within the last three years. This includes registrations for four individuals and one campus professional.
  • Experience NGLA Delegation Scholarship is for delegations attending the NGLA Virtual Conference. This includes registrations for four individuals and one campus professional.
Apply for NGLA Scholarships by Monday, January 18, 2021 @ 11:59pm EST.
Please contact for more information.
“NGLA was not only extremely informative and energizing for our delegation, it provided perspective and validation for the community our chapters are trying to achieve on campus. My students are leaving the conference better prepared to serve in their greek leadership roles, with plenty of new ideas and techniques to try to strengthen their organizations. Overall, this conference has been a huge benefit to both our delegates and FSL community as a whole!”
Kelsey Johansen
Suffolk University
Assistant Director, Student Leadership & Involvement
2020 Discovering NGLA Delegation Scholarship Recipient
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NGLA educates leaders from a variety of fraternal experiences to transform and empower their community and align actions with values.
NGLA, Attn: NGLA, 701 E. Cathedral Rd Ste 45 PMB 370, Philadelphia, PA 19128, United States of America
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