Subject: Announcing the 2021 NGLA Virtual Conference Saturday Keynote!

Announcing the 2021 NGLA Virtual Conference Saturday Keynote!
NGLA is excited to announce our Saturday Keynote for the 2021 NGLA Virtual Conference from February 25 – February 28, 2021.
Start getting ready - apply for Student Staff by November 30, apply for NGLA Awards by January 18, register early by February 1.
Saturday Keynote
Purpose, Passion, and Protest: True Stories of Sorority & Fraternity Life!
presented by Hailey Mangrum and Matt Mattson
“You won't believe the drama on the next episode of True Stories of Sorority & Fraternity Life!” If our organizations' histories were a reality TV show, we'd all be on the edge of our seats in anticipation of the excitement, drama, and intrigue the lies at the genesis of our groups. But too many of us yawned our way through the history chapter of our joining process. And pretty much none of us have any idea why the other 150+ national, international, and local organizations that make up the fraternity/sorority world were started. Spoiler alert: It wasn't a cheesy reason (almost all of our groups have a powerful origin story!). Our stories have a relevance today that couldn't be more clear. We are almost all founded by purposeful people who were passionate, who were protesting, who were rising up, who were championing change, and who were truly about something. This session is a story about you... about us... about then... about now. People, purpose, passion and protest... on the next True Stories of Sorority & Fraternity Life!
The Saturday Keynote is supported by Rho Lambda.
Don’t miss important announcements, recognition, and more! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
NGLA educates leaders from a variety of fraternal experiences to transform and empower their community and align actions with values.
NGLA, Attn: NGLA, 701 E. Cathedral Rd Ste 45 PMB 370, Philadelphia, PA 19128, United States of America
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