Subject: Announcing the 2021 NGLA Virtual Conference Friday Keynote!

Announcing the 2021 NGLA Virtual Conference Friday Keynote!
NGLA is excited to announce our Friday Keynote for the 2021 NGLA Virtual Conference from February 25 – February 28, 2021.
Start getting ready - apply for Student Staff by November 30, apply for NGLA Awards by January 18, register early by February 1.
Friday Keynote
Unknown' is the New ‘Known'!
presented by Tina VanSteenbergen
By the time we gather for the 2021 NGLA Virtual Conference, we will have spent the better part of a year in a fairly constant state of unknown—it’s our new default setting! What will the semester look like? Unknown! Will we get to bring a line across? Unknown! Will we get to have some of our social events back? Unknown! Is fraternity or sorority even worth it anymore? Known. It might not feel like it every day, but this experience IS worth our time, even in a sea of unknowns. We may not have answers to all the questions, but if we’re able to focus on what really matters about the fraternity and sorority experience, if we can get a little more comfortable with the uncomfortable, then we will be able to help each and every member (and ourselves) rediscover the love and passion for our organizations.
The Friday Keynote is supported by Circle of Sisterhood Foundation.
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NGLA educates leaders from a variety of fraternal experiences to transform and empower their community and align actions with values.
NGLA, Attn: NGLA, 701 E. Cathedral Rd Ste 45 PMB 370, Philadelphia, PA 19128, United States of America
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