Subject: Varsity 2022 September Coaching Session Recording

September Coaching Session recording is now up in your Members Area!

Watch The Recording of September's Coaching Session

To view Tuesday's Session, you can head to your Members Area and select Varsity '22 Concierge - Sep/2021

Watch Here

It was great meeting with you Tuesday! Here are some friendly reminders and information regarding the calendar and your account.

  • Any questions regarding your family's college application & admissions process, please send them to

When you email, please put Question For Varsity Service in the subject line. Remember you can submit up to 3 emails per month to ask personal questions and receive individual guidance and support.

Accessing Your Account

  • Within your account, you can head to your Members Area to access all of your materials.

Your Members Area

  • Your Members Area houses video recordings separated by month. You will only see the months that you have access to based on when you joined the Concierge Service.

  • It also has a Varsity Headquarters page which shows your calendar, the first Coaching Session, and the first Office Hours of the Varsity 2022 Class. These first sessions are a good starting place for any new members.


