Subject: Varsity 2022 Concierge Discussion - Interviews, Honors College, & Create Your Student Timeline Recording

Discussion - Interviews, Honors College, & Create Your Student Timeline recording is now up in your Members Area!

Watch The Discussion on Interviews, Honors College, & Create Your Student Timeline Recording

To view Wednesday's Session, you can head to your Members Area and select Varsity '22 Concierge - Sep/2021

Watch Here

It was great meeting with you Wednesday! Here are some friendly reminders and information regarding the calendar and your account.

  • Any questions regarding your family's college application & admissions process, please send them to

When you email, please put Question For Varsity Service in the subject line. Remember you can submit up to 3 emails per month to ask personal questions and receive individual guidance and support.

Accessing Your Account

  • Within your account, you can head to your Members Area to access all of your materials.

Your Members Area

  • Your Members Area houses video recordings separated by month. You will only see the months that you have access to based on when you joined the Concierge Service.

  • It also has a Varsity Headquarters page which shows your calendar, the first Coaching Session, and the first Office Hours of the Varsity 2022 Class. These first sessions are a good starting place for any new members.


