Mean Higher Loan Payments Get the Lowest Student Loan Rate With Juno You're onto something! Finish your search at Juno.
We're encouraging families in our community who need to borrow money for college, to follow our suggested steps. There's nothing to lose, and chances are excellent that you'll get a better rate if you use Juno.
Just sign in at and select the option you prefer:
Why Go With Juno?
If you sign a loan with their primary lending partner, you'll receive 2.0% cash back from Juno (e.g., $500 on a $25K loan).
If you find a better rate from an eligible private lender, they'll match it and increase your cash back to 3.0% (e.g., $750 on a $25K loan).
Already Accepted a Loan From Another Lender?
No problem. You can still apply for a loan through Juno’s primary lender, and if you find the rate is lower, you can always cancel the original loan as long as the money hasn’t been sent to the college. If you need help researching rates try:
Brazos (A lender for Texas residents or students studying in Texas.) Credible (A website to check rates from multiple lenders.) College Ave (A Road2College preferred lender.) Sallie Mae (A Road2College preferred lender.)
When you're done, circle back to Juno to get the best student loan interest rate possible. |