Subject: Ready, Common Data Set, Go!

Data, data, and more data!
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Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but?
A college interview IS where your student will be asked a lot of questions about themselves, but it is NOT an inquisition. They should not be expected to be “on the stand,” but instead he/she should look at this as an opportunity to step out from behind the application/essay and really shine.

Ready, Common Data Set, Go!
Have you ever wondered where all the information comes from when you research and compare colleges to each other? Or how the rankings that are featured in U.S. News & World Report are done?

The information for these rankings and research pieces comes from something called the Common Data Set (CDS.)

Information like how your student stacks up, financial aid info, and details about student life can be found in this data. So far, we’ve put together quick highlights for Stanford, Rutgers, and MIT 's common data sets and we'll be compiling the same for additional schools in the future. 

Check out our College Data Spreadsheet , below, for a tool with important Common Data Set stats from ALL schools in one place.
Ta-Da...More About Data
There is plenty of data "out there" to help families do the necessary research to find schools that are more likely to offer students merit scholarships.

But, there aren't many places where all that information is compiled together in on spot!

If you’d like to find which schools will be most generous to your student, depending upon their own specific stats and preferences, you will want to check out our College Data Spreadsheet

Having all this information in one tool that allows you to sort, filter, and compare is beyond helpful and worthwhile.
What's Up Ahead on The Road...
Sabrina Malone is a SUPER mom, who has already been through the college admissions process FOUR times. (She still has two more kids to go!)

Join Sabrina as she pays it forward and shares her expertise on How To Improve Your Child’s Common Application and Be Mindful of the Mistakes to Avoid

This very informational webinar is for parents of students who have not yet submitted their apps AND for those parents of 11th graders who would like a jump start on seeing what a polished Common Application should look like.

Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 17th at 8:30pm (EST).

I Wish They All Could Be California Schools…
Parents of students who are filling out the UC applications will be tickled pink to know that Prompt, the essay guidance company, will be hosting a workshop on Tuesday, November 19, at 8:30pm just for them!

Brad Schiller, our essay guru, will be around to offer advice and tips for tackling the UC application personal insight questions.

The University of California school system does things different. Different application and different prompts. In fact they call them personal insight questions. 

Find out what factors UC admissions officers use to evaluate UC personal insight questions. In addition, listen as Brad reviews and provides feedback for improving sample UC essays. 

My goal is always to provide you with affordable services, insightful information and access to actionable data to help you make more informed college decisions.

Feel free to respond to this email with any questions you have.
Debbie Schwartz
Founder, Road2College
I'm a parent, like many of you, navigating college admissions and paying for college. With an expertise in personal finance, analysis, and marketing, I'm working to give families the information and tools to make smarter financial college decisions.
If this newsletter no longer fits your needs, consider receiving our new newsletter, focusing on financial issues related to students currently in college or recently graduated. 

Road2College may receive affiliate compensation on items purchased through our links.
Debbie Schwartz, Road2College, 19072, Narberth, United States
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