How To Find Merit Scholarships
Tuesday, November 14th at 8:30pm EST
Last Chance To Register
(If you can't make the webinar live, a recording will be sent to all who register.)
In this webinar, we’ll show you how to do the research to uncover the colleges that can be more generous to your student. We’ll help you answer the following questions….
How can you determine a college’s generosity before your student applies?
What schools are likely to give your student the most merit scholarships?
What is the Common Data Set and how can it help in your college search research?
What are full ride and full tuition scholarships?
Do only high achieving students receive merit scholarships?
Do colleges offer better merit scholarships for freshman vs. upperclassmen?
As part of registering for the webinar, you’ll receive your own copy of the Full Tuition/Full Ride Scholarship List, created by Wendy Nelson. This list was recently updated, as of September 2017. We'll show you how to use this list to search for automatic scholarships that are offered to all students who meet the criteria, find competitive scholarships where your student competes against others, find scholarships for special talents like music, art and dance, scholarships for National Merit Finalists/Semi-Finalists, Valedictorians, and more.
As always, our mission is to help families understand the financial aid process and ways to pay for college. We believe families need to become educated consumers of higher ed to make more informed decisions and help their students and themselves avoid student debt.