Subject: Grow Up, Already!

As with everything... don't forget to read the fine print!
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Peter Pan would never have been able to cut it in college…
Why? He never wanted to GROW UP!

And, you need your kid to step up to the plate by the time you drop them off at college.Graduation does not an adult make,, one mustn’t assume that having a diploma in hand will automatically mature a high schooler.

Not every grad possesses the life skills needed to be out on their own. Life skills – you know – looking people in the eye, feeding yourself, and solving everyday problems. Now that your child is in college, how are those adulting skills coming along? If you feel they still need work, check this out...Adulting 101 boils it down to the 10 critical life skills for teens.

And if you want to take it a step further, this book will help.
We’re not in Kansas anymore
If we close our eyes and click our ruby red shoes, like Dorothy, we can dream things will go smoothly and our kids will head right to the “land of merit scholarships.” But in reality, that’s not always the case.

Instead, here are a few issues from a “been there, done that” parent, paying it forward with advice most of us never realize we’ll have to deal with about understanding the small print of merit scholarships...until we do.
What’s Up Ahead on The Road…
New Calculator Plans 4 Years of College Costs

One good turn deserves another, so if you watch this video about this new calculator from Quatromoney (it’s short, we promise), and fill out the survey, your name will be entered in a drawing to win a $500 Amazon gift card.

Quatromoney is a revolutionary new platform designed to help families make all 4 years of college costs more manageable in advance.
They are asking for your feedback to know what they are doing right with this new calculator, and what they can work on.

How Much Can You Afford To Pay For College?

Last year, we asked parents to submit their answers about how much they thought they could afford to pay for college, and the data we collected was eye-opening! 

Well, the responses were SO enlightening that we are asking for your input once again. We love when parents pay it forward, and in supplying us with your feedback you are doing just that.

So, could you PLEASE fill out our survey?? We will report back on how this group responded and detail all the ways they are paying for college.
Debbie Schwartz
Founder, Road2College
I'm a parent, like many of you, navigating college admissions and paying for college. With an expertise in personal finance, analysis, and marketing, I'm working to give families the information and tools to make smarter financial college decisions.
If this newsletter no longer fits your needs, consider receiving our new newsletter, focusing on financial issues related to students currently in college or recently graduated. 

Road2College may receive affiliate compensation on items purchased through our links.
Debbie Schwartz, Road2College, 19072, Narberth, United States
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