Subject: Get Your Lasso, We're Chasing Merit!

How chasing merit can help middle class families pay for college..
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Going on Safari, and We're Hunting Merit Money!

It's nice to be able to say that your family has "no financial need," but in the world of paying for college, that doesn't mean you won't "need"more money to actually cover tuition.

That's where merit money enters the picture. 

And, here's a scoop from a parent who's been there: All the information about how to find merit scholarship money is out there! BUT (There's always a "but"), you have to know how to look for it.

You could do a lot of research that involves things like NPCs and CDSs, and on and on...OR, you could read this parent's account of her family's strategy and perhaps build your own plan based on her path.

It's worth a try...and a whole bunch of tuition money.

Find out more here.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly on Campus Visits

Summer is a popular time to tour colleges, and now that more and more  will be opening up their campuses to in-person visits, families will have the opportunity to use all their senses when assessing schools.

Making sure you and your student are armed with thoughtful and relevant questions is really important, as is keeping your eyes and ears open for anything that might be a red flag and signal problems for later.

Here's what to look for.

What's Up Ahead On The Road...

Student Loan Basics

Whenever there's money involved, you need to make sure you truly understand the nuts and bolts of the situation. (And remember to teach that to your teens.)

Now is the time for families who think they will be requiring loans to pay for college to get to know the loan process, inside and out.

Join us and Angela Colatriano of College Ave Student Loans on Wednesday, June 9 at 8:30pm ET for an information-packed Facebook Live on loans.

Enter to Win the Ultimate Dorm Room Sweepstakes!

What college student, whether underclassman or upperclassman, wouldn't want to have a dorm room (or room off campus) that feels like a haven?

Help your student start the year off with their best “room” forward.

We've joined forces with College Ave Student Loans and OCM to offer you the chance to win!

One lucky grand prize winner will receive $1,000 to spend at OCM and help their student create a home away from home.

(Receive a 20% discount for all OCM merchandise using the code R2C20)

OCM Item of the Week

The other week, we held a Zoom event featuring seven OCM Student Ambassadors who dished about all things having to do with life on campus.

You can watch it here.

They were awesome!

Among some of the things they discussed were move-in essentials, dorm necessities, how to deal with living away from home, and how to handle roommates.

A must-have item that got a thumbs up from each student was OCM's Showaflops: Anti-Microbial Flip Flops for the shower that have holes in the bottom so the water can run through. (Spoiler Alert: College dorm showers can get grungy.)

Check them out here.

And here they are included in a great shower bundle.

My goal is to provide affordable services, insightful information and a support system so your family can make more informed decisions about college.

Feel free to respond to this email with any questions you have.
Debbie Schwartz
Founder, Road2College
I'm a parent, like many of you, navigating college admissions and paying for college. With an expertise in personal finance, analysis, and marketing, I'm working to give families the information and tools to make smarter financial college decisions.
Road2College may receive affiliate compensation on items purchased through our links.
Debbie Schwartz, Road2College, 19072, Narberth, United States
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