Subject: FB Live TONIGHT 8:30pm EST

Not as stressful as that “other talk” you’ve probably already had with them...
But just as important.
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Come join us!!

FaceBook Live TONIGHT: Thursday 2/6 at 8:30pm EST.

Learn about College Planning Mistakes you can avoid!!

You'll find us on the Road2College FB Page - HERE

Evangelizing Financial Empowerment
Wow! That sounds both scary and intriguing. But what does it really mean?

If you break it down, everyone would like to be empowered financially--come from a place where you have control over your money; where it is, where it’s going, and how much you have. (Especially leading up to the college admission years.) 

That IS empowering! 

And how wonderful if you could share that empowerment with your children, so that they will have control as well.

The first line of business is having the “money talk” with your teens. It’s not quite as stressful as that “other talk” you’ve probably already had with them, but it’s just as important. 

Read what one mother and long time high school college counselor recommends here.

And once you’ve done it, and can experience the euphoria, you, too, can evangelize financial empowerment!
Chasing Merit
Junior parents, if your kid(s) is on the hunt for merit scholarships, there are a lot of details to keep straight.

Juggling this and all the other minutiae these 11th graders are dealing with is enough to make them hide under the covers.

The secret weapon the author of this article has to fight the desire to go and hide is a checklist that will take you right into spring semester of senior year. And she’s sharing it with you. 

So, you can all come out now, and click here to find some really great help.
What's Up Ahead on The Road...
Big News! Coming Sunday, February 9, 2020...

As one very satisfied parent described it,

The Road2College Concierge Service is like “Guided DIY”

Our Two (Yes, we said TWO!) Concierge Services have been so popular and successful, that we are holding them again!

Both subscription services will teach families everything they need to know about college admissions including financial aid, searching for merit scholarships, testing strategies, academics, essays, college-list building, and more. 

In addition to live access and interaction, each session will be recorded for access any time throughout your membership.

The Road2College Concierge Varsity Service provides parents of high school juniors access to trustworthy expert advice, community, tools, and resources that will help you make smarter college decisions regarding every aspect of the college admissions and application process!

Included are:
  • Comprehensive Coaching Sessions
  • Office Hours
  • Direct Email Access To Industry Experts
  • and more, all designed to help you and your family during the most critical time of the process.
For more info or to sign up, click here.

Our Concierge JV Service is a collaborative approach to help families get prepared, early in high school, for the college admissions and funding process.

Families of high school freshmen and sophomores looking to get a head start on the process can gain an edge by optimizing their student’s potential for college admissions success.

You’ll have access to experts, resources, tools, and a community of families, just like you.

$500 is Nothing to Sneeze At!

Quatromoney is a revolutionary new platform designed to help families make all 4 years of college costs more manageable in advance.

They are asking for your feedback to know what they are doing right with this new calculator, and what they can work on.

So, if you watch this video about a new calculator from Quatromoney (it’s short, we promise), and fill out the survey, your name will be entered in a drawing to win a $500 Amazon gift card.

How Much Can You Afford To Pay For College?

Last year, we asked parents to submit their answers about how much they thought they could afford to pay for college, and the data we collected was eye-opening!

Well, the responses were SO enlightening that we are asking for your input once again. We love when parents pay it forward, and in supplying us with your feedback you are doing just that.

So, could you PLEASE fill out our survey?? We will report back on how this group responded and detail all the ways they are paying for college.

My goal is always to provide you with affordable services, insightful information and access to actionable data to help you make more informed college decisions.

Feel free to respond to this email with any questions you have.
Debbie Schwartz
Founder, Road2College
I'm a parent, like many of you, navigating college admissions and paying for college. With an expertise in personal finance, analysis, and marketing, I'm working to give families the information and tools to make smarter financial college decisions.
If this newsletter no longer fits your needs, consider receiving our new newsletter, focusing on financial issues related to students currently in college or recently graduated. 

Road2College may receive affiliate compensation on items purchased through our links.
Debbie Schwartz, Road2College, 19072, Narberth, United States
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