Subject: [Concierge] Get Help Building the College List

Let us help you more - fill out our new profile survey to let us know more about you and your student.

REMINDER: We only have a few slots each week, for the next 3 weeks, to help Concierge families more directly with your college lists. If you're interested, see the information below or check here.

We've gotten to know many of you through the questions you submit and the stories you share, but we want to know more!

Help us help you better...please fill out this questionnaire.

We'll reference this information when you send in your monthly questions and if you choose to get additional help with us either through a college list review or one on one.

Fill out Your Student Profile


Over the past few months we've worked with a few Concierge families to put together their college list or review their initial drafts.

We know the college list is one of THE most critical components of the admissions process. It's why we say "The College List Drives Everything".

The college list drives the:

  • amount of work your student needs to do to write essays.

  • probability of being accepted, depending on whether the college list is balanced for admissibility.

  • affordability of the college your student attends, depending on whether finances are a factor and if they are taken into consideration when building the list.

  • choices of where your student can attend when all college offers have been received.

To continue to help Concierge families with college lists, we've set aside time over the next few weeks to offer you two additional services for getting your list reviewed.

For now, availability is limited to 5 college list reviews per week.

College List Review BASIC ($149.99)

Review of submitted college list (20 colleges max) + Personalized Video

After using College Insights, submit a list of colleges you'd like our Concierge counselors to review. They will provide their professional opinion on whether the list is a balanced list of target, reach, and safety schools to meet your objectives.

Think of this as a college list health checkup. You will receive a follow-up email and video with our counselor's thoughts.

College List Review PLUS ($249.99)

List review + College Recommendations = 2 hours of Research + Personalized Video

After using College Insights, submit a list of colleges you'd like our Concierge counselors to review. In addition to reviewing the "health" of your list, our counselor will provide recommendations of colleges to remove and add to your student's list.

Since each student's situation is different, we can't specify how many additional schools we can recommend but we will devote two hours researching for your student's criteria.

You will receive a follow-up email with specific college recommendations and video with our counselor's thoughts.

Sign Up For a List Review

I hope the above services help your family move along the process and take some anxiety out of it as well.

Feel free to respond to this email with any questions you have.

Debbie Schwartz

Founder, Road2College

I'm a parent, like many of you, navigating college admissions and paying for college. With an expertise in personal finance, analysis, and marketing, I'm working to give families the information and tools to make smarter financial college decisions.

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