Subject: Compare Your Student's Offers ⚖️

With CCO you can compare your student's offer to students at the same schools and decide if it's worth appealing for additional aid.

Money on scales

Find Out How Your Student's College Offers Compare to Others at the Same Schools

For the past few years we've worked together as a community to crowdsource and share our student's acceptances, need-based aid, and merit scholarship offers.


Sharing college offers (anonymously) help bring transparency to how colleges are making admissions decisions and awarding financial aid/merit scholarships. It also helps you decide whether or not to appeal.


Our COMPARE COLLEGE OFFERS TOOL is LIVE for the 2025 - 2026 school year.


Families can share their students' admissions acceptances/offers and see real data from this year and past years. 


Give a Little, Get a Lot

Deciding where to go to college is one of the biggest financial decisions your student will make. Work together with other families and use CCO to:

  • share your student's college offers

  • see real offers in real time submitted by other students

  • get a sense of how fair your student's college offers are

  • decide whether to appeal 

If your student has received acceptances but not financial offers yet, please share the acceptances now and update it later when you have more information. (information shared is all anonymous).


If your student has not received any acceptances yet, come back to CCO (we'll also send reminders), and share offer details when they arrive. 

If you're having issues entering offers or getting logged in, please reach out to us at We've heard from some people who have been running into issues and we're here to help.

"By crowdsourcing this information, I'm excited to see the members of this community come together to make the college process and pricing more transparent for current families of seniors and all the families behind them." —Debbie 

Debbie Schwartz

Founder, Road2College

I'm a parent, like many of you, navigating college admissions and paying for college. With an expertise in personal finance, analysis, and marketing, I'm working to give families the information and tools to make smarter financial college decisions.