Subject: Are College Admissions Rigged?

Busting through some of the myths that families hear on the road to college.

Myths We Hear on the Road to College

Oh, if only college consultants were like Pinocchio, families would be able to spot a "lie," or at least a myth, a mile away.

Parents put so much trust into these often self-proclaimed "experts" who have such great poker faces, it's hard to tell what's fact from fiction.

Some good detective work, and clicking on the link here will help you be more discerning.

Test, Testing, One, Two Three!

Many high school students find college admissions testing stressful, but the right preparation can ensure a positive test day experience and good scores.

There are several different tools and resources out there to help students prepare for standardized tests like the SAT and ACT.

Click here for a guide that can help your child feel more confident about their college entrance exams.

What's Up Ahead on The Road...


 Just take deep breaths and it will all be okay...sort of.

Breathing deeply can help you get rid of residual stress, but if you are really feeling anxious about the CSS Profile, deep breathing while you watch our Zoom Event TONIGHT will help even more!

Join Katrina Delgrosso of College Ave Student Loans at 8:30pm ET as she prepares you for your walk through the CSS form. TONIGHT.

Admissions Hooks & Scholarship Scams

If beating the system sounds like an impossible feat for most families, how about landing a haymaker instead?

Join us as we discuss college admissions ( are they rigged?) and how to be a savvier consumer with Susan F. Paterno, author of Game On: Why College Admission Is Rigged and How to Beat the System.

Sunday, October 24th, 8:30pm ET

My goal is to provide affordable services, insightful information and a support system so your family can make more informed decisions about college.

Feel free to respond to this email with any questions you have.

Debbie Schwartz

Founder, Road2College

I'm a parent, like many of you, navigating college admissions and paying for college. With an expertise in personal finance, analysis, and marketing, I'm working to give families the information and tools to make smarter financial college decisions.

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