Subject: This JV offer is not for everyone


Alan Abelove here from

I have been writing you for a couple of days about what I dub as "the best JV offer ever". You can see the previous emails here:

My teacher for Product Creation, John Thornhill, I'll tell you the truth, John really created this offer originally for the Partnership to Success members. It's called the Ambassador program, John wanted to provide a solution to the problem that the students wanted to be able to generate an income now even though they haven't finished producing their product yet.

So John said, who is better able to present Partnership to Success more than the students that are learning in the program? They understand the program, they are excited about the course, they have already put their proverbial money where their mouth is. So he developed this program, this offer, for the students.

At a certain time, he opened it up to outside JV's as well. I said to myself, I must have this offer for my subscribers. It is almost too good to be true.


That's the catch. Listen to those words: Who is better able to present P2S more than the students themselves who are learning the program?

You can't successfully sell a product to a lead if you don't believe in it. It doesn't work. I've been there, I learned the hard way. Just like your smile comes out in your recording, your excitement comes out in your words.

I want to be uncomfortably frank. The last two weeks when I sent you to the link for John's no-cost webinar several times, very very very few people took the click. Very few people apparently are interested enough in Product Creation that would even give John Thornhill, the king of Product Creation teaching, the chance to explain to you, no-cost, what is necessary in order to create your own product. Even just to see what the page looks like. Especially when there is very expensive present being given away just for showing up. (I hope so, that's how it used to be.)

Why is that? I believe it is because you've been lied to by all the PLR sellers, and you have given up any possibility of producing your own digital product.

But if that is indeed your attitude, you're never going to be able to get your tribe to come to a webinar that you yourself don't believe in.

You SHOULD believe in Product Creation, it is not hard nor expensive if you have the right teacher and the right support system.

If you want to take advantage of this no-cost offer, so then take another no-cost offer. Go see the webinar, give him a chance. And then I hope that when you have seen the training, whether or not you actually join P2S, that you will have the mind-set to send others to the training.

Here are your two links, this is probably the last time that I am going to mention this to you, we have a family celebration tomorrow, our grandson is, well, coming of age, and then on the weekend I work less.

Click here for John's training

and then,

Click here for the JV opportunity


Alan Abelove

., Rechov Hakablan 43, 93874, Jerusalem, Israel
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