Alan Abelove here from IMAlanAbelove.com.
The Niche Marketing Kit promotion is over and done.
This week we had three family celebrations which took up three nights (read: three work days)
And I am sick in bed with something, a cough and a fever, I hope that it will go away quickly.
At any rate, I have diligently been through all of my records to see who purchased the Niche Marketing Kit and who didn't.
If I am not making a mistake, you are one of those who didn't purchase the Kit.
(If I did make a mistake, then you didn't claim your bonus. I need to send it to you manually, with ClickBank it is not automatic). So let me know.
If you are willing, you can help me out very much by telling my why you didn't purchase John and Dave's Tool Kit through my link.
Which of these statements is closest to your reason:
1) It is not really relevant, I don't do Internet Marketing so it is not for me.
2) It was too expensive, even $20 I can't afford, no matter what the value.
3) I bought it through someone else who had a better/bigger bonus than you, or that I have a closer connection with.
4) I don't like to buy products from people that I don't know well. (like me, or like John Thornhill)
5) Other _____________________________
Thank you. If you give me feedback, we can grow together more, and work together more.
Take care, wishing you all the best,
Alan Abelove