Subject: Such a Just-For-You product doesn't come around that often


Alan Abelove here from

I wrote you yesterday about Eric Hammer's new product 24 Hour Bux. I bought it.

I also recommended it to you, because, well, I presume that your goal, or at least one of your goals, is to make money. If not, I sort of don't know what you are doing on my list.

I personally have made the commitment to create an online business. I work with people who are making millions online. I work with building mailing lists, a subscriber base, and then to provide them with true value. To be honest, friendly, helpful, and not just to pump out emails every day or more, rather to be real.

This effort is something that has taken me months if not years. My genuine needs are 5 figures a month, and I am willing to put in the work required to make that.

But not everyone is looking for that. Many if not most of the people in the em-em-oh niche would be thrilled to pull in twenty to fifty smackers a day. And most of them are struggling to do so.

Are you one of those who are struggling to be making even relatively small money?

If so, this is for you. Eric teaches you five different methods which are simple to grasp and not difficult to implement so that you can reach your goal number one.

This is worth checking out. Please take the link below, for your sake:

24 Hour Bux By Eric Hammer

The link above is not the buy button, it is a link to the info page. You're not making any commitment by clicking the link, you're just gaining more knowledge.

This low launch price is only until Sunday.

All the best,

Alan Abelove

PS I am looking at Eric's stats, he has sold so far just under 300 units, and there are currently zero returns, even with an iron-clad guarantee. You really should check this out.

., Rechov Hakablan 43, 93874, Jerusalem, Israel
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