Subject: Regards from Coronaland


Alan Abelove here from

It's been a long time since you have heard from me. Short term it is because of the Corona, in the longer term I was working on a different kind of a project since I wrote you last.

Someone very close to me, we think that they had the Coronavirus, even though we can't prove it, as they didn't accept us for Corona testing at the time. 

Even though they were seemingly showing the symptoms, like fever, cough, and a loss of sense of smell. We are hoping to be accepted for the serology tests so that we can have something more definitive than just "we think so."

Meanwhile I have been creating smaller products that don't really lend themselves to a Launch with JV Partners. But my main focus over the past year, in my spare time, (as I am still employed as a video editor), is to solve an age old question:

Why is it that the vast majority of people who attempt to earn a living in internet marketing, fail. Probably over 90% of people like you and me.

There are plenty of good teachers that show what you have to do, and even give you the supplies that you need to do it, and even so people aren't successful.

Why is that?

I looked into this, I even authored an ebook which was partially about affiliate marketing, although I clothed it to be more general.

What caught my eye was a school of thought that affiliate marketing that was, just doesn't work anymore, (which at the time I could testify to). There are new rules, new ways, that if you don't pick up on it, then "you're dead before you start", excuse the expression. That's how people talk.

Several authors, several experts, speak on this theme. One of them hit a warm spot in my heart, and I started to bring some of his wisdom into my routine, and lo and behold my online business is picking up leaps and bounds.

I have the rights to share one of these books with you. It is no-cost but they do ask a for minor assistance to cover shipping and handling.

This book helped me very much, and I am offering it to you for the same reason. Here, click the following:

New Rules For Affiliate Marketing

Keep well, I am still strictly staying at home, we are in a second wave over here, and it is dangerous like the first time around. Although we had a brand new granddaughter born today, so we'll have to see how that holds up. Wish me luck.

Take care,

Alan Abelove

., Rechov Hakablan 43, 93874, Jerusalem, Israel
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