Subject: Put your traffic, signups, and income on steroids


Alan Abelove here from

I spoke in my previous email about how tapping into viral traffic can bring you much more targeted traffic and signups (and money) than the traditional squeeze page strategy.

Viral marketing works this way, (as an example): You have an offer, a page say, a post that explains what the benefits of what you want to recommend. Now, what if you could attract other people to "share" this page of yours.

How would you do that? Let's say that you (legally) offer them a gift if they share your page to their friends. Wow. That could really get things going! They would be motivated to bring people to your page that you don't even know, aren't able to "reach".

But what if the same gift was in place also for the next level, people who will share the page from the people who shared it from you? Can you see how your traffic will grow exponentially? 2-4-8-16...

Pay attention now:

What if all of this can be done automatically with a piece of software?

This, in a nutshell, is the product that I am recommending: Buzzinar by Omar Martin.

It is definitely worth a peek. Here is the link:

Just answer the couple of 2-second questions truthfully, they are for your benefit.

I am organizing a bonus for anyone who buys Buzzinar with my link. I will tell you about it in my next email.

Again, the link:

I'll be in touch,

Alan Abelove
Video Editing Mastery

., Rechov Hakablan 43, 93874, Jerusalem, Israel
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