Subject: Personal Regards from Alan Abelove


Alan Abelove here from

I hope that you are fairing well with the new reality that everyone is facing.

So many tragedies, we are reeling over here from all of the news.

Personally I am remaining inside, and I would recommend that course of action for anyone who is interested in my opinion. Kids, mother-in-law, doesn't make a difference. Stay inside. Try your best to keep the spirit up, but stay inside.

I wish for you the best in these troubling times.


I'm not going to tell you that I have something that will help you while you're quarantined, such a statement from marketers makes me want to throw up.

Rather I am writing to you because there is indeed a unique opportunity which is NOW, and I don't know how many days this is going to last.

Seth Young, someone with whom I work, just presented a webinar a couple of days ago for his lists, where he presents a no-cost way to set up an online business in 25 minutes. And he does it before your eyes.

If you are not yet making the income that you would like, then this is a webinar that you can surely gain from.

Now, there is never a webinar without a pitch for something to buy. And I will tell you what it is, so that there are no surprises.

Seth has a product, a video course, which teaches you how to set up a site, again, for no-cost. And this course brings in targeted traffic, produces leads, and additionally actual income, all in one fell swoop.

I was involved in the production of this course, mainly as the video editor, and then Seth requested of me that I be one of the guinea pigs to test the system, which I did. In all my online history I have never had ad income like I did during that experiment, and I still have email subscribers from that time. And targeted traffic, the system gave me all that I could want, all that I asked for.

Now, the product is not cheap. He sells it for a pretty penny. I have sold it for him (as an affiliate) at full price, and even more so at half price. But now he is selling it at 40%, a price that I have never seen it sold at before.

I asked him how long he is going to keep the price like that, but he didn't answer me. He is not easy for me to reach, as he is tied up with his own customers and with his family, like we all are.

The content of the webinar is interesting no-cost content, skills that you can take into your own online efforts. It is worth it before he pitches his product.

But his product that he pitches, which he is selling now cheaper than I have ever seen, does everything that it says it does. I recommend it.

Click here:

You can thank me from your new villa.

Take care,

Alan Abelove

., Rechov Hakablan 43, 93874, Jerusalem, Israel
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