Subject: My Chat with ChatGPT about Teaching English Pronunciation to Arabic Speakers



Hi All,

It's been ages since we've talked! Maybe a COVID age.

I've found my exploring bug, finally! Or maybe it found me. And I just had to try out ChatGPT. Here is the result of my first conversation with ChatGPT. I asked it to suggest pronunciation teaching strategies to use with Arabic-speaking students of English. I found its advice sound, nothing earth-shaking for me, but nothing dramatically wrong or ill-advised (I was wondering if it would suggest anything absolutely ridiculous or blatantly wrong or inappropriate. It didn't.) And it can go into as much detail and you can think of asking for. Everything that is out there on the internet is available as a resource now.

What struck me most about it was that the user (me, you, your child) learns through conversation how to ask the right questions to get the results wanted. AI (artificial intelligence) is out there, it has huge potential, and is already embedded in many things we use, but ChagGPT is an easy way to dip your toes in the water and play around with AI.

It was easy, fun, and anybody can do it. It may help you get over any trepidation you have about it.

Read the conversation here:

All the best,

Peggy Tharpe