Subject: World Record # 2 - 8hr stepups COMPLETED!

World Record #2 - Is now approved! 
I wanted to send out this email to provide some motivation to not only you reading it but also for myself.  I am currently dealing with a ruptured disc and have been for 8 months... This is an injury that is very painful, stressful and limiting. Needless to say, when you lift or push something heavy, make sure you do so with proper form or just don't do it if your not sure.  This way you do not have to deal with the painful resulting injury...  Stay positive and fight through adversity, no matter where it comes from and how it manifests itself!

To another note, my second World Record I completed in 2011.  The record is for 8hrs of stepups and I completed 8898 stepups in that period.. Click here to link to the Guinness World Record webpage with my record. 

Stay tuned for the next Newsletter - 
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